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1 year ago

The best thing would be to let him be castrated and always put a clean daily cleaned cat clove.

The best is this

Remove the cot and the lump once or twice a day. If required, refill.

The spread is loose 1 month.

all that the cat has pinched must be thoroughly and intensively cleaned, otherwise it will go back there.

Access to the cat’s crow must be guaranteed without the cat’s fear of running this way.

Otherwise, the mental health of the cat is important.

Cats must never be kept alone in an apartment and never in too small apartments without exit.

Further assistance can also be provided by the veterinarian.

Sometimes the behavior can also have to do with weak bubble. What’s more the last option.

My cat’s both perfect.

1 year ago

Fix the problem. Of course, this would have to be located first. Your information on your question is a bit vague….

1 year ago

What does “all around”? Does he or does he mark?

You’re doing quite little trouble asking.

Why should we try more to answer?

1 year ago

For the first time, let the veterinarian and health examine.

is your cat alone, the toilet clean, there have been changes with you. in the net you will find a lot of information about it.