mein kalter benzo Entzug?

guten Abend, ich wollte fragen nach Tipps.. (wenn möglich eigen-Erfahrung)

folgende Situation, mein Psychiater hat mir über 7 Monate unterschiedliche benzos verschrieben, jetzt hat er wegen eines Fehlers einer Mitarbeiterin mir nen kalten benzo Entzug ohne Hilfe oder runter Dosierung verordnet… ich komme psychisch und körperlich manchmal van meine grenzen und wollte hier nach rat fragen, sollte ich wegen sowas den doc wechseln? und was wären eure Tipps bei so einer Situation..?

danke an jeden der hilft.

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1 year ago

Ask a doctor and explain the situation. A change can sometimes bring fresh wind back in. Good luck!

1 year ago
Reply to  LoveYou030

I’ve accompanied some friends with a bezo deprivation. This can be very burdensome. Even medication has often not really helped. So the best thing would be if your pediatrician first wrote it on or another psychiatrist. A step-by-step reduction is really necessary and advisable so that it does not throw you out of the train completely. If it gets too crassed, let’s put you in the psychiatry. You can ask at the pharmacy of your trust what you can do right now. It’s really colourful of your psychiatrist. You go to the doctor to make it better and not worse. You can see if there is a Pschiatrian emergency meeting hour with you or if an Mvz has an open speech hour. Otherwise, just take a shot with your family doctor. There’s a number you can call if you don’t get an appointment on the fast, but you’ll also be eating good 4 weeks. Try to keep you stable. Stay calm if possible. It’s not impossible to get through there. There are some means that you can take as supportive as Lasea to calm down or Gabba to sleep. However, they will not help enough. Psychiatrists can alternatively prescribe low-potential neuroleptics and antidepressants until you are over the mountain. That would also be the best advice if you don’t get prescribed to reduce it. I wish you all the best! If you still have to ask – always with it:)

1 year ago

Jumping doctor! Even after two weeks, this is still hell. I know what I’m talking about.

1 year ago
Reply to  LoveYou030


1 year ago

Apart from the “smelled” doctor, you should definitely not make a cold withdrawal!!!

Slowly drop the dosage in very small steps.

1 year ago

That’s not normal.

Change the doctor – if that’s true


Community – where can you complain about the doctor?

1 year ago
Reply to  LoveYou030

No not really, just that you should quickly become a doctor.

vllt. also immediately to the standby doctor – take your medical letter with

When it gets accurate – call the emergency call 112