Mein Internet geht nur am PC nicht?
Seit einer Woche kann ich nichts öffnen, weil mein Internet zu lagsam ist, angeblich ist die Verbindungsqualität perfekt, aber es lädt einfach nichts.
Bei meinem Handy geht alles normal und ist auch schnell.
Also habe ich den Netzwerkadapter nach Fehlern durchsuchen lassen es steht da, dass alles ordnungsgemäß konfiguriert ist, aber der DNS-Server nicht reagiert.
Was kann ich jetzt machen?
It’s not “the Internet.” There’s only one internet and you’re just a part of it with your devices.
Your problem is also not to search the internet, but already in your local network.
You already have your problem…. If the DNS server does not respond and does not respond, your computer cannot translate a URL to an IP and thus also does not send its requests to the corresponding servers.
Either your computer gets erroneous/incomplete data for network configuration from your router or the DNS server within your router really has a problem and partially completely run (which would be increased by a router restart).
In the worst case, you manually change the configuration of your network card on the computer and enter the IP of a freely available DNS server. (For this purpose, the servers of Google and or Cloudflare and are offered.) Then the behaviour should no longer occur.
So the router restarted and tried both dns server. Calculator still shows the problem and still does nothing