Mein hase stirbt..?
Mucky war 8 Jahre an meiner Seite und der tier artzt hat bei ihr sehr viele Tumore festgestellt weshalb sie heute 14 uhr eingeschläfert wird… Ich weiß nicht wie ich damit umgehen soll … es tut so weh ich will nicht das sie geht aber auch nicht das sie unter schmerzen leidet…
Sadness is important. Grapes like and extensive.
But look forward to the beautiful times.
yes it is sad, but unfortunately it belongs to it. What makes me even more sad is the fact that it was held more than irresponsible. In a cage and without fellows, both are not at all.
Puh, I thought the same thing.
I’m very sorry that you lose your beloved rabbit, but please don’t worry about it anymore or under much better conditions!
It has a fellow standing right next to it, and they have a huge runout. If you also get good food only in the evening you need to get in as I sleep and don’t care about it during the time. So please don’t make accusations that she had 3 fellows. She doesn’t live with us that she died of cancer today.
Ask the veterinarian for a veterinarian. Then let him go and get the urn home. There’s an item in the mucky now at home. Sad for him.
You need to remember that this is the best for your rabbit!
It is in heaven with his parents and his siblings and no longer has to suffer pain!
Did he/she have a partner if yes get as fast as it goes a new one and please don’t hold your rabbit in such a small stable please three m2 per animal!
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Good for you!
Love greetings