Mein Hase hat ein dickes Ohr (wundwasser Füllung) was soll ich tun??
Hi ich freu mich für jeden der mir antworten kann Mein Zwergkaninchen Gold braun weiß hat ein dickes und heißes Ohr dazu noch eine dicke blase zwischen Ohr Haut und Muschel Kurtz vorm Gehörgang sie frisst und trinkt normal nur ist sie ruhiger geworden als sonst…. Ich hab so angst und Tierarzt kann sich meine Familie momentan nicht leisten 😱😭
Sounds like an inflammation and that should be considered by the veterinarian, sorry that you will now have to take money in hand, sit out and the best hope is not.
What is this a question? Of course, you go to the veterinarian – who knows if this is going on alone…
I’d go to the veterinarian, maybe your rabbit just sounds bad and the ear has ignited or something. (That would explain why the rabbit is “smooth.”)
I can’t see the picture.
But since it is already quite late today and also because of the money and so I would look at the rabbit again tomorrow and then decide whether it has to be a veterinarian. Maybe you have friends who also have rabbits and who can look at this/do the rabbit.
PS: Got two rabbits
Then you ask the veterinarian for a rate payment if the money is close. Most of them do it when you ask for it.
An animal that needs medical treatment to be denied is, on the one hand, animal cruelty and, on the other hand, also a violation of the animal welfare law.
Animals now cost money. You know that before.
In doubt, please go to the vet, no one here can judge from the far right what is going on. The change of behaviour alone would let me obey…
Financially, you can actually ask yourself if something can be done in rates. Well-meaning tip for the future: Precisely for such cases it is best to deposit money. It can happen again and again if you have animals.
beautiful picture