Mein Handy Eltern Rechte?
(m/16) Mein aktuelles Handy habe ich von meinem Taschengeld gekauft – also mein Eigentum.
Gegen meinen Willen und ohne Rücksprache hat mein Vater eine App drauf installiert, beschränkt damit meine Bildschirmzeit, deinstalliert Apps etc. Darf er das?
Dürfen meine Eltern auch überhaupt noch mein Handy einkassieren? Im Gegensatz zu früher habe ich es diesmal ja von meinem Geld gekauft. Da ist es doch mein Eigentum.
Yes, he can, as long as you’re not 18. It is also important to cash in the phone.
And what your parents do is education. Yes, they can. And that your phone does anything at all is also possible from the resources of your parents. Since you can’t have a mobile phone contract with 16 and you can also use the WLAN of your parents. Your parents may take away all you currently own for educational reasons.
Let’s have a rough example. You got cocaine at home that you bought from your pocket money. Do you think your parents should accept that? No, they shouldn’t. They have to take it away from you and even hand it over to the police.
Then your father may also take your phone and return it. There is only n floatingly effective purchase contract with you because you cannot close it.
and, as long as you live with your parents, they can control something like that.
Talk to them who you are not addicted to me 16 of which I look out,then I find it too exaggerated I am M12 and even I have no restriction!
Sorry for writing errors
“who can find typing errors” 😉
My family isn’t that easy. Talking won’t bring anything.
Then you can be glad I’m not your father
If your father is your guardian, he may.
Your parents have an educational mission and can therefore implement everything to fulfill it.
Since you are not fully annual, your purchases are only floating and can be undone by your parents at any time. So if you look at your eyes, you see what your property is, the rest you only own.
Yes, they are responsible for you
Your father can also delete all apps. What do you prefer?
Currently, it would be my option group and therapy best xD
Well, at least it finally develops into the Richutbg what ._.
Housing? Are you sure? My sister was allowed to use only one std of the phone in this per day under the supervision of the maintainers and also every app had to be approved- but safe! It’s definitely better.
ASS diagnostics includes not only psychology
I am not currently in real psychotherapy and is still being taught by a “normal” therapist. This is their previous assessment of the situation and as long as I have not been given further, nothing can be clarified or diagnosed.
Honestly, I just want to get out 😅
The rest is just as he is. Idfc anymore
If A.S.S. is suspected, it should only be followed.
Because by your behavior, which is typical of autism, DARF, but just in comparison to stereotype StiNo people, this incomprehension can only lead to depression and later also to suicidal thoughts.
Then it makes sense. But more freedoms on the phone and co you won’t have. Just more tasks
With me, autism, depression and self-threatening are suspected, i.e. I need help. Since my depressions are related to the family construct, an outpatient therapy makes no sense anymore. The psychiatrics are full, I hardly get a long-term place. Most therapists have accordingly advised me about housing & outpatient therapy
The most exciting with food and money as well as laundry…
Man – do not betray everything
Who did you get the money from? About my property!
So if my father gives me money by contract, it’s my money from the time that this is on my account. The money that Pas Chef Pa knows is also by contract after the transfer Pas money and not by his boss just in his hands 🤔😂
So you have a contract with your Pa that he regularly gives you money. Next: the comparison with the boss seems powerful! If your Pa gets money from the boss, he’ll have to do what the boss wants. Got it?
Who pays the current costs?
And yes, your parents could even have retired the purchase as long as you are underage.