Mein Hamster beißt das Gitter an, was tun?
Mein Hamster beißt jetzt schon das zweite mal am Gitter rum. Nach dem ersten mal hab ich eine Stange zum kauen rein gelegt, damit er daran rumkaut. Nur jetzt beißt er schon wieder am Gitter rum :/
Der Käfig hat die Breite von 50-52 cm, Höhe 60-62 cm und Länge 100-102 cm, dazu ist das Einstreu ungefähr bei 25 cm und ich habe 2 Häuser, 1 Sandbad, 2 weitere Etagen, ein Laufrad und so eine kleine Brücke drinnen.
Was kann ich tun damit er damit aufhört?
(Ich habe gelesen, es kann daran liegen, dass dem Hamster langweilig sei aber was kann man dann kaufen gegen die langweile?)
Hmm was like that with me, but then I decided for the Nagarium. You will always find the cheapest on ebay. Wheel must be min. 30cm diameter have at Goldhamster (twer 25cm). I would also look for a longer one, as the minimum dimensions for Goldhamster are 120cm long anyway. Best looking for something 120-150cm long is except you have vllt. even more space from 2m it is best (the bigger it is naturally NOCH better but there you need a lot of space). As an employment opportunity, I can advise you to sprinkle the feed into a bag cloth (unparfumarized, unprinted) well together and possibly give it into a chopped toilet paper roll, you can also add suitable terrarium soil into a large feed bowl – pour a few grains of the feed pure every day a bit and already should grow nhspberry idea You can also make food cutlery games – best of wood look past Insta at calicherry__ which makes cool things 🙂 If you ask, you can send FA!
Look at ebay to see if you find an aquarium, big aquariums there are often spottbillig part, if not free.
Grids always harbor the risk that the hamster climbs up, and can fall, a height of 10cm can cause bone fractures.
How big is your bike?
My impeller is 20cm tall
20cm is too small as it bends the hamster through while running, 28 diameters would be sufficient
Unfortunately, that doesn’t always mean anything
Oh, really? That was because it was for Goldhamster. Thank you for your help :’)
buy him a suitable goat. Same as a terrarium/aquarium which has not only the minimum dimensions. from 2 meters in length it becomes more animal-friendly.