Mein Führerschein wurde beschlagnahmt & wurde dann nach 7 Monaten vor dem Gericht freigesprochen. Wie viel Entschädigung ist angemessen?
Mein Führerschein wurde wegen Verdacht auf Drogenkonsum & drunkenheitsfahrt beschlagnahmt. Nach 7 Monaten wurde ich frei gesprochen & der Richter versprach mir eine Entschädigung. Wie viel ist verlangt?
The story doesn’t fit in the front and back. Someone’s calling the police and claiming you were driving drunk car without accident or danger. Then you come to your apartment, take your driver’s license off, and 7 months later you’ll be acquitted by everything? Never.
I hope you’re right. Because if that’s true, it looks bad.
That’s relatively little. Maybe so € 300,00
Because you are obliged to keep the damage as low as possible. Something to log off the car.
There was no accident or damage. They were called by someone who had a guess that I was in the tax with alcohol.
Okay, look. Thank you.
This is regulated by law. Wait for the written statement.
Thank you.
This depends on the disadvantages that you have actually caused.
What damage happened to you?
No damage. They just came to the apartment where I was and the car was out for a while
Then what do you want to pay for?
No damage. No accident or other
7 months driving ban is not a damage?
Good question.