Mein freund möchte anfangen zu rauchen?

Mein Freund redet immer öfters davon, dass er gerne Vapes ausprobieren möchte oder allgemein das Rauchen, nachdem er ein paar mal ab und zu gezogen hat und es alle seine Freunde machen.
Er weiß, dass ich das absolut nicht mag. Er schaut trotzdem immer wieder danach im Internet oder so. Ich möchte ihm das jetzt ja auch nicht verbieten, dass er seine Erfahrungen macht, aber ich finde das nicht gut und fühle mich dabei unwohl.

Was soll ich tun?

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1 year ago

and make it all his friends

The dumbest reason you can think of.
But presumably, your friend is a lemming that can’t think of itself and simply do what all others do without using his brain – even if they run on an abyss and crash into the depths.

And if he is under 18, he should rather have a damn good reason why laws should not apply to Him…. but he won’t find one.

1 year ago

That’s the usual pattern. If he doesn’t recognize himself actively that he is already slightly addicted, then it will be very hard to stop him. Most people start with a few cigarettes and then slowly slip in. About 1/2 year after the first cigarette they are regular smokers.

I think that only helps when you talk to each other and work out a plan together. But make sure that he may not make his promises to comply. He already smoked and the addiction is strong.

1 year ago

I think you’re saying that you’re against it and you don’t want him to do it in your environment or come to you with the taste / smell.

What he does otherwise is his thing.

The most important thing I find is that you show a clear attitude and, for example, refuse to be involved in it.

1 year ago

Can be done relatively little

He will know (hopefully) no matter what form is not health-promoting. If he wants to take the risk, he will stop, he will cost money and is bad for health