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This can be very, very tricky. It’s about more than I could tell here.
Not every boy automatically knows how to install a hard drive ^^ Especially since it is not easy without knowing. There are not for free online pages where you can get PCs together
Experience comes from learning from the mistakes you have made.
Not everyone is automatically a computer expert. It is quite possible to use such an HDD or To install SSD, but there are some traps, especially if you’ve never done it.
– A SSD does not automatically fit into a 3.5″ HDD shaft
– The hard drive that contains the OS cannot be easily exchanged
– Any software that creates an image is necessary, e.g. Maricum
– A completely new HDD must be partitioned (e.g. create partition primary)
There is no shame if you have to admit that what does not work as expected or you encounter difficulties…
There are male persons who are not even able to knock a nail straight into a wooden beam. There are also those who let the coffee water burn (no joke) . But for that they can tear the mouth wide and think they know everything. Then there are also those who have my study (which one cannot clearly see what they might have studied) If you put them professionally in front of a typical scenario (problem) they whim around and run away. Are often those who have my experience.
There are similar things in the world of women.
When it comes to a certain “handbag”, you can easily move EUROPELETTEN, but 5 grams of silk underwear in a paper recycling bag “Oh honey, wear it, that’s too heavy to me”.
Many can’t even cook properly today. For many simple principles. Open a cardboard box, foil removal pizza in oven 5-15 min at 180°C — > dinner. And then Jaulen also many of them around for “Vegan food” but at the back of the MC Doof you eat fat bugs, glorious.
As a whole, you can see the world as a disease.
My friend had tried to build a hard drive last week” – can it really be that a boy doesn’t get that
Given the above-mentioned facts, no rarity nowadays.
I only know 4 women (the oldest is 40 the youngest 15) who have real knowledge of technology and can offer me paroli in IT. Makes more fun to work among like-minded people who know what you are doing.
If you don’t like it on our planet, Mars should be pretty this season.
One person encounters difficulties when installing computer hardware occasionally.
Maybe a cable is defective or not properly plugged in.
Or the hard drive is not okay.
What exactly is this part of the question? What exactly does the installation of the hard drive have to do with the gender?
Only as a small comment, as a boy one is not simply born with knowledge about computers and technology.
That’s like I’m saying, “My girlfriend cooked disgusting food last week, can it really be that a woman can’t cook or has something wrong with the ingredients?”
Not everyone knows how to do it. If it didn’t work out bring it to repair nae that
… but otherwise roll clichés aren’t so great – are they?
Can it be that every woman can cook? Can it be that every woman loves horses and small babies?
can it be that every woman is bad in math?
No, of course not.
Do you automatically know how to knit? Do you know how to sew? Always these stereotypes. Of course not. Without being informed, you can’t know that, of course, and that’s so simple at first.
You don’t have to, everyone can do something else. I’m a woman who can cook but can’t iron a hard drive.
It’s not that hard to say. So clearly without preliminary knowledge, but with Google everyone should get that. Women and men
Shouldn’t be a problem if you’re a little busy. Whether HDD or SSD.
Watch the emergency on YT
Let’s ask this: Could you cut him a shirt tomorrow or knit a Norwegian pulley by next week?
It must be formatted in the disk management.