Mein Erzeuger nimmt mir jedes mal meine Sachen weg.?
Jedes verdammte Mal.
Mein teuren Pc den ich Mit mein Geld gekauft hatte hat er zu mein älteren Bruder gebracht( bin 17 btw)
Mein Laptop hat er mir weg genommen
Sogar meine Konsolen (gucke nur Netflix drauf hab nur am wochende Zeit zu zocken)
Jetzt hat Meine Mom mir unser Familen Laptop mir gegeben und hatte den vergessen aus mein Zimmer heute Nacht raus zutragen.
Jetzt schreit der mich an das ich ganze nacht wach bin 💀(war ich ja nicht und hatte es auch nicht in der Vergangenheit gemacht)
Jetzt Darf nicht mehr den Familen Laptop Benutzen weil er nur für die Erwachsene ist.
Hab pünktlich alles gemacht was er wollte bin sogar an einen Sonntag (2 uhr morgens Ca) Bier geholt damit er mich schlafen lässt
Bin seit Dienstag Krank geschrieben weil ich nh schlimme Erkältung habe (aber Lerne halt Trotzdem weiter das ist nh wichtige Präsentation und die geht mir nicht aus dem kopf) und dem Passt das ganz und gar nicht
Und denkt das ich ganze Nacht am zocken bin mit meine Freunden (ist so oder so nicht möglich)
Und auf meinen Handy (er hatte schon paar Jahre hinter sich) ist es schwer zu recherchieren aber ich denke das ich es auch noch abgenommen bekomme.
Meine Mom tut auch nichts Dagegen (will streit Verhindern und hat meistens einfach Kein bock kann ich auch verstehen)
Ich Verstehe nicht wieso er meine Sachen wegnimmt die ich mit meinen Geld gekauft habe. Und nein die haben nichts dazu gezahlt und das Geld ist nicht von denen ich hatte mir Minijobs gesucht und meinen Arsch abgearbeitet
Ich wollte das hier nur alles los werden
Nh Kollege von mir meinte ich übertreibe und meinte das mein Erzeuger das recht hat mir alles weg zu nehmen was ich auch mit mein Geld kaufe solange ich hier lebe
Und Jugendamt würd auch leider nix bringen hab da leider schon Erfahrung
What you write sounds like a classic family conflict.
I would try to be defensive and deescaling as long as you still have to live there (but it should be, for example, to get the police straight out, maybe then there is a solution), and then as soon as it goes and you feel ready to think of an extract into your own apartment. Is your mom happy with him or is she just holding it out? If, I’d try to get them out of there!
I don’t know how valuable my ideas were now, but I’m pressing your thumbs!
is important: I am neither psychologist, nor pedagogue, nor legal or anything else, and have experienced something like this or not myself, so that only reflects my own personal opinion!
What are you supposed to do? Of course, contact the Youth Office.
What exactly is the Youth Office supposed to do?
That is why:
What measures the Youth Office takes is their thing.
Then the protection of young people in Germany failed.
the jugendamt takes garkeine measures.
Why would the Youth Office do anything there?
Sorry, but your age hasn’t got all the bats at the fence anymore!
On the one hand, as an educational measure, he takes your things away with the haping you need your sleep as an adolescent, perhaps put them for fuel, on the other hand, he sends you back to the tank at night, which you may not be allowed to.
You talk to the youth office and the police. There could be a so-called domestic and family theft. that’s an application.
Lg, Nicki
“Your age no longer has all the shadows at the fence!” Is it still, you undamaged and deceived idol?
he can take it away from you and doesn’t even have to tolerate it in his apartment
Then he’ll have to store it somewhere safe.
the child then has to do and pay for
Unfortunately, I don’t think things I need for training I don’t think that he can take away from me.
Well, it’s his apartment, but as I understood, the questioner has financed the equipment himself. Say, he may possess them. One should only find rules constructively in conversation instead of simply determining and performing…
Closure = destruction. It shouldn’t be too complex for you.
you’re still talking stupid stuff. it’s not broken. the thing is removed from the budget. it is child free to accommodate and finance elsewhere.
Yes, but you can name the law that you can simply destroy foreign property.
nö, child can put it somewhere else. if he hadn’t been bad
And when the box lands in the bulkhead, the father becomes liable for damage.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. child can then pick it up and store it or leave it standing there
The child can’t do that if he takes them away. And no, he has to pay it.
If you bought from your own money, he can’t just take you away.
I would recommend you to contact the Youth Office
Why not?
Because theft is
Said the one who only fascated from theft, then from submission without intention of appropriation and then from intention of appropriation and was always wrong. Sweet.
But just prove the prospect of appropriation.
Unprobably, but you like to talk
He would in any case exceed your abilities.
That would also be a damn bad course if you gave him
I’m not giving you a law class here.
What do you think is what to do?
He has not done it and his further intentions are unclear.
But he has intentionally acquired it and obviously does not intend to give back the things.
No, it’s not likeable.
That’s what he did
Let it go.
“Whoever does an alien movable thing illegally acquires himself or a third party,”
She doesn’t need it at all when it’s undercut.
For both, there is still a fundamental lack of the prospect of appropriation.
Depending on the interpretation or handling of the stolen devices StGB Paragraph 242 or 246
Why? What law does he not have?
There he says he brought it to the older brother, he has no right
There’s nothing left. And even given would not be given what he can’t do.
That’s right. He took his stuff away and gave it to the brother.
It’s not there.
No. Stolen and passed on
This is definitely the case as the PC was given to the brother.
The prospect of appropriation.
And what?
Because an essential feature of action is missing.
What do you think?
It’s basically not a theft.
What’s wrong with that?
This is also nonsense in repetition.
No, if you take your property away from someone is theft, even with your own child
This is nonsense.