Mein Ender 3D pro drückt nach 5 Minuten kein filament mehr raus, wieso?

Ich habe mir vor ein paar Wochen meinen ersten 3D Drucker gekauft. Und jedesmal wenn ich versuche was zu drucken, hört der Drucker auf, das Filament rauszudrücken

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2 years ago

there are many different reasons for what it might be.

Software problem? Is the transport of the filament perhaps disturbed? Is the feed too slow, too fast, the temperature of the nozzle too high, too low? Or is there any software error, the printer thinks he’s ready?

2 years ago

This can have different causes, you need more info.

Does the transport only stop if the pressure is running and will it go back?

Or do you have to do anything to make it work again?

2 years ago

Nozzle too cold for filament, attempt to print too fast, hotend clogged, pressing pressure on the extruder too low, PTFE tube narrowed, extruder glued with abrasion, nozzle inside stretched, slicer makes crap, and a few more possibilities.

2 years ago

What printer?

What filament?

What temperatures?

It may be a bit more information. Otherwise, I can only ask the glass ball. :