Mein Durst wird nicht gestillt?

Hallo und zwar habe ich folgendes Problem:

Neben mir stehen 4 Wasserflaschen die ich innerhalb 1 Stunde ungefähr ausgetrunken habe. Mein Durst ist aber nicht weg und ich muss immer mehr trinken und bin gerade bei meiner 5. Flasche. Ich trinke Wasser mit Kohlensäure also kann es nicht sein das da irgendwas fehlt. Mein Mund fühlt sich auch sehr komisch an und auch wenn ich was frisches im Mund habe oder oft Zähne putzen ich schmecke irgendwas komisches seid dem mein Durst nie gestillt werden konnte. Das nervt mich total da ich immer jede 10 min zur Toilette springen muss.

Das habe ich schon seid ca. 1 Woche.

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7 months ago

Hello x0206xX, 👋

Next to me, there are 4 water bottles that I have drowned in about 1 hour. My thirst is not gone, and I have to drink more and more and I’m just at my 5th bottle. I drink water with carbonic acid so it can’t be that there’s something missing.

that could be a polydipsie due to

hyperglycaemia (oversuction).

👉NUR when the BZ (blood sugar) lasts long

> 180-200 mg/dl or > 10-11,1 mmol/l),

oversugar symptoms occur, especially:

Polydipsie ( strong, insoluble thirst)💦


Polyurie ( strong urinary rank), 🚽 🚽🚽

also tiredness n d. Essen,

Concentration problems, visual disorders, etc…

My mouth also feels very funny and even if I have something fresh in my mouth or often brush teeth I taste something weird that my thirst could never be breasted. That’s annoying me as I always have to jump to the toilet every 10 minutes.

I’ve already been around. One week.

Let’s measure your 👉🩸BZ.

LG 🙋🏻

7 months ago

Can be a sign for diabetes. I don’t have to. Go to your family doctor.

7 months ago
Reply to  x0206xX

it can be that you drank too much water… that would be bad for the calcium and sodium in the blood…

7 months ago

Get some lemon juice. I know that too, sometimes you need to taste that thirst is going away.

Candy suck can also help.

Otherwise check if your sugar level is increased. In the pharmacy, for example.

7 months ago

go urgently to the general practitioner sowhat is clear warning signs

Can be something with the kidneys.

7 months ago
Reply to  x0206xX

what exactly there is no idea but alamating definitely jepp

7 months ago

Search a doctor. Also because of check diabetes.

7 months ago

You should go to the doctor.

7 months ago

Go to the doctor tomorrow and check your blood sugar.

7 months ago

Please go to the doctor.