Mein Bruder sagt ich darf nach eine Stunde Aufstehen nichts essen?
Seine Kommentare triggern mich da ich ne Essstörung hab und er treibt mich weiter rein mit so Kommentaren muss ich am Morgen schon was essen
Seine Kommentare triggern mich da ich ne Essstörung hab und er treibt mich weiter rein mit so Kommentaren muss ich am Morgen schon was essen
Hallo Fühl mich draussen sehr gestresst und nervös! Was tun dagegen? 😕
Habe eine ganze 200gramm Packung Lindor Schokolade gegessen und fühle mich schlecht was meint ihr, normalerweise trainiere ich und esse mich gesund was denkt ihr wegen Weihnachten habe ich richtig rein gehauen billige Zucker und fett also Schokolade ?
Zuhause Weine ich nur und kann keine 5h Zuhause bleiben ohne das es mir scheiße geht ich kriege kein Auge zu,bei Freunde schon
hallo an alle, ich hab seit einigen Monaten starke Magenbeschwerden, mit Gewichtsverlust und anderen Beschwerden. Arzt sagte, stressbedingte Chronische Gastritis. An der Diagnose zweifle ich garnicht, jedoch wurde mir nun nicht weitergeholfen außer, dass ich die Diagnose hab. Das einzige waren Entspannungsübungen die er mir empfohlen hat. Ich befürchte, dass ich unterbewusst zu doll durch…
Ich mache mich über fast alles lustig und finde alles einfach so dumm und sinnlos auf dieser Welt dass ich einfach nur lachen muss wieso wir das alles überhaupt mitmachen.. ich check nicht wie andere sich so ernst nehmen und von allen respektiert werden wollen wenn sie doch nur einem scheiss atomteilchen gleichen im Vergleich…
Gibt es Skills, die ich mit in die Klausur nehmen darf? Ich war in ner Klinik und hab deshalb in Mathe viele Unterrichtsinhalte verpasst. Morgen ist die Klausur . Ich hab das Gefühl, es nicht zu schaffen. Gerade bin ich so gestresst, dass ich nicht mal weiter lernen kann. Ich hab Angst, dass ich in…
This is relative in both directions, important is that you eat enough calories, in case of a disturbance it is important to strengthen your self-esteem and, of course, what to eat, in the morning always what to eat, it is not necessary, it is one because the body needs energy.
If your brother makes too many problems, red with your parents, in doubt seek other help to advise you also with the doctor. You can treat mager addiction.
Yes He forbids me to eat what I want to eat
He’s doing it on purpose
He can’t, he can’t, ignoriers.
ignore it
The question should not be when and what you should eat, but rather be the real question in which this influence of your brother is based and how you could solve your influence.
He is in no way an instance that would have to tell you what you have to do and leave. It simply doesn’t matter to him and the power he has over you has given him something in you, in your thinking and feeling.
You should take this power if you want to live an independent and self-responsible life. And for that, a therapy would be absolutely necessary from the dead!
This is basically correct from the nutritional point of view.
You should first drink enough warm water to equal the nightly water loss.
➡️But if you have an eating disorder that could actually be counterproductive.
Maybe you’ll explain this to him in peace and quiet, and something else could help you build concretely.
You’re in treatment?
Lg ⚘🙋
No is currently not in treatment because it is not acute with me it has actually tried in normal weight but I was told I had no eating disorder which is not true because I look healthy
They all seem overloaded..I hope the address can give you new insights.
And this dami carf is very good.
Twas a little need for reconciliation (… at first she went to the Nerv ..) But this woman also has a lot to give and you should not underestimate her.
Love and Good ⚘
If he gives something of himself more often, you should keep away from him, and then you shouldn’t be too late for him again. I think at your age (you were 25, right?) your parents will be able to make little.
Are you all living together, or are you just looking at your brother?
Yes we live together
Maybe it would also be an option, especially if he thought he could ban you from eating. It doesn’t matter, especially if someone already has an eating disorder
I had a fascination and now atypical mager addiction
Yes, I should almost make
Don’t listen to him. Sure you have to eat something when you got up. Don’t let him talk you in.
This is nonsense what your brother is talking about.
You should eat when you’re hungry.
If your feeling of hunger is not present, take a little bite to you and see that you eat enough over the day.
Eating disorders not only relate to malice.
The question is, what kind of eating disorder do you have?
Atypical mager addiction
Yeah, you should do something in the morning.