Mein Bruder möchte mit 4000 PS 600 km/h fahren?
Ist das möglich? Er meinte,er geht nächste Woche zu einem Extrem-Tuning Treffen und möchte mit einem 4000 PS starken Lamborghini Aventador die 600 km/h knacken. Glaubt ihr das klappt? Problem ist ja Luftwiderstand und die Reifen
On the road and with series tire certainly not. If, then on the classic salt lake in the USA: solid, flat surface without any curves and annoying traffic participants. I doubt the 4000 hp Lamborghini
Naja on the race track
There is no race track in Europe, which is enough long straight routes hAT:
Yeah, shit. Not even fucking Papenburg or Nürburgring are enough. The record in Papenburg was 407 km/h, and this is already house number
reminds me of the question:
what just disturbs me – at 4000ps one should have heard of it. but if I use yt and google – I find only one twin-turbo-lambo from the states with 4000ps and that makes only 1/4 mile race
the second thing I think about – where should the 600kmh drive? To do this, he would have to go to a locked ground – in which a high-speed round course is usually because you are not able to do something like that on a straight track.
Last but not least – such cars are highly breeded monsters who need a lot of fine tuning. Nobody’s going to let anyone drive.
so… sorry – I think you’re talking stupid and just troll
Could work, but not recommend at all. Physics says: For double speed, a car needs eight-fold engine power. All right, let’s go.
The speed record is 508 km/h. Don’t think some Otto’s cracking with a Lamborghini.
Above all, not with a tinted (small) series car outside a US salt lake or the test site of Ehra-Lessien.
Sure. However, it will probably be impossible to keep the car under control at speed, and the tyres would not be able to do so either.
I’ve been aware of that.
Oh, the speed record referred to a road vehicle. The Raktenautos (then you mean in terms of salt lake) create beyond 1000 Km/h
Interesting that someone asked the exact same question 2 years ago.
if he really wants to try this can be very dangerous because of the ripe and it could take off eventuel so the car, since he actually had to drive walnuts and because not even two 2jz mottore rich, I don’t sure if your brother meant that seriously,but theoretically it would be possible.
Keep me informed of who’s going.
I will
As long as he tries to do this on a special training ground, this is ok and maybe also possible. I don’t know what the engines can do.
Unfortunately there is no such straight route that allows
Then he won’t make it.
PS number has nothing to do with speed, but with drive power.
A tractor has over 1000 hp and you don’t believe that it can only make 100 kmh or?
1000ps?if you can count on a hand
If that’s true, I can’t imagine the best way to give a vehicle to any visitor. This is also a load for the body, with such a strong acceleration. Most people are afraid when they drive along a 140ps motorcycle as a passenger and then you go to the higher mid-speed range.
No chance. This does not create even top-fuel collars with higher performance and less wind attack surface. In addition, there are no matching tyres that hold it.
The top fuel dragsters are designed for acceleration, not for top speed
I don’t think that’s impossible if I look at such vehicles:
With a normal, dull car, I doubt it. The car is likely to become unbelievably unstable from the steering and ground adhesion at such speeds.
I think it’s impossible for him to have an Aventador by next week. And more than a series, I think it’s impossible.
Oh. And there’s no such car. From Lambo there’s 4,000 hp only as a yacht. ;-).
Total cheese. No one would give your brother such a car. There is also no manufacturer who has such tires approved.
Problem is such a car does not exist
just keep dreaming and writing if he is awake
Where does he want to drive the 600 km/h?
Which one?
So just a damp dream.
Unfortunately, yes.
Forget it! The straight line is far too short.
Nürburgring, Papenburg
Never ever!
Someone’s gonna tie you up a bear.
No one would let a layman control such a prototype.
But in performance, you can crack the speed. 600 km/h yes
Only would the vehicle be a single piece without a road permit costing millions.
And there’s no one in the hands of a layman.
In addition, the fact that there are only very few places in the world where you can even carry out such trips.
Where is the meeting going?
Even the test tracks in Papenburg and Nardo do not give this.
The fastest car with street registration brings around 500 kmh.
To drive 600 kmh, not much remained from the original car. That would be an absolute prototype.
No one lets a layman to try on the tax of such a vehicle.
These are test drives from real professionals. And they also do not take place as a follow-up to an event.
He didn’t tell me that, no idea. I also think that he wants to obscure me
Quat 4000 hp
Absolute bullshit…
It already fails that your brother doesn’t have such a car.
Dreaming or fooling.
Be quiet
No, why should I?
I’m sure you did.
I have
The Bubi is 13 and like all children here has a 20 centimeter penis.
Only the classification of his question;)
yes no problem bro
Make your brother wake up from his dream.
Your brother is a dreamer or a chatter.
It is theoretically possible.
Theoretically, I can also become President of the USA.
or both. ^^
What drugs does he take?