Mein Bruder hackt sich in mein wlan?

Hallo ich wohne unter meiner Mutter und habe eigenes wlan gekauft weil das von oben nicht reicht mein Bruder und meine Schwester haben aber von meiner Mutter aus wlan verbot außer für Schulaufgaben is ja auch egal das heißt das meine Mutter das WLAN oben ausmacht und mir ausdrücklich gesagt hat das ich denen nichts geben soll möchte ich auch nicht weil sie richtig respektlos zu mir und meiner Mutter sind und etwas handgreiflich werden usw. darum möchte ich ihnen auch nichts vom wlan abgeben aber mein Bruder hat so eine App wo er das wlan Passwort dann sieht oderso und ich kann ihn dann nicht kicken weil er nicht normal ins wlan geht er hackt sich sozusagen ein weiß jemand ob ich vielleicht die Geräte von ihn blocken lassen kann oder doch irgendwie kicken ich sage auch immer klar und deutlich das sie sollen das lassen sollen einfach in mein WLAN zu gehen

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3 months ago

To get an answer, you need to get a little more data out – with the question you can hardly start anything.

People here need to know how the LAN / WLAN is built and planned at home. I’m afraid there’s hardly anything planned.

  • “own wlan bought” is not available. Someone – presumably the parents have a DSL or GFK connection at a provider and that doesn’t go right up to you. Probably you bought a “WLAN amplifier”. You are completely NB: There is no (!!). The WLAN frequencies are regulated by law and what strengths must not be, otherwise you get trouble. This is only a repeater that passes the WLAN upwards. That’s why you can’t do anything. Means: your siblings just use it (because you have it).
  • If your siblings are to come to Wi-Fi only at times, it should be set in the central frit, not at the repeater. There are also MAC filters, which just let in approved devices. Means: Read the user manual.
  • “App where he sees the wlan password” – I don’t think so. He’s reading it somewhere else. Maybe he has the access data to the frit.

Means for you: make two things: get out what makes WLAN and how it works AND read user manuals. No one can help you.

3 months ago

The following text is very directly formulated – I hope you can dismiss it.

Hello I live under my mother and have bought my own wlan

I’m sure you didn’t. Radio waves according to IEEE-802.11 cannot be bought. 😉

my brother and sister have banned from my mother except for schooling

Here we can stop.
No matter what you have actually bought – I don’t want to guess – is severely exacerbated by the lack of basics in physics (radio technology) that you learn at school. Guess you haven’t done it yet.

Basically, radio channels are like a common “cable” that everyone – indeed all(!) can use – you always share the bandwidth – no matter how many radio networks are on the channels.

my brother has such an app where he sees the wlan password then

No, he did not have 99,99999999%.
He would have to invest a lot of time for this and have a lot more know-how than to suspect here – as long as you don’t use a supersimples password, which he could easily guess.

Anyway, your text wall is unready and your shields are at the level of someone who wants to drive a car, but never heard of gas pedal and brake.
That may sound hard now – but it is.

Perhaps the blue answers that my co-authors have secreted, maybe not. To judge this, your shields are not enough.

If you want to acquire WLAN and network know-how, let me know – then there are links to the basics. This is associated with some work – but the better way than simply trying into the blue.

3 months ago


You’d better describe how you installed that.

What kind of router do you have?

Unlocking someone from the WLan is not difficult to use filters of authorized MAC addresses or the profile.

I don’t think he can read a PW, he’s fucking you. Either he has the WLans’ PW, odee that of the router, and he is always free there.

3 months ago

Activate MAC filters and enter all MAC addresses of allowed devices and block access for all others.

Disable host network.

Enable firewall.

Secure router access (change the default password of the router).

3 months ago

Put your FritzBox on the whitelist principle – only known devices come in, the rest not. Otherwise, watch the MAC address of the device from unwanted visitors and lock it in the FritzBox.. AVM products are more than beginner-friendly.

3 months ago

As soon as you the Network is what it is with its smartphone, it is very easy to read the password. These are a few commands, but it doesn’t even need an app.

What you can do, others have already described: Do not allow any new devices to set and throw out all unknown devices;)

3 months ago

Change your password, then he can’t hook you

3 months ago

If you have a FritzBox or the like, you can set up a lock