Mein Bauch ist sehr klein in der 20 ssw?
Ich bin sehr skeptisch manchmal über mein Bauch , viele sagen mir das mein Bauch sehr klein ist für eine Schwangerschaft viele merken es mir nicht an die Untersuchungen bei meiner Gynäkologen sind immer gut aber ich sehe kein Bauch wenn ich mich hinlegen da sieht man fast nichts ist das normal ??( Das ist meine erste Schwangerschaft)
abdominal size in pregnancy varies according to body construction. Women with strong abdominal muscles usually have a smaller abdomen. So all normal as long as the doctor says no other. All good for further pregnancy and birth
Thank you
So I’m SSW 12 and I already have a big belly. But if I lie down, you almost don’t see anything. Gravity.
It doesn’t matter if it’s normal or not.
You are. You and your child are fine. So it’s all right
Don’t let everyone talk you into your pregnancy
If it were bad, your gyn would say something.
You should stop talking about everything and everyone and letting you insecure. Especially when the child is in the world. That’s what’s going on, and JEDER has no opinion…
You regularly go to the gynecologist and that’s all right, PUNKT!
It’s normal. In the next few weeks, this is likely to be much larger.
During my first pregnancy, nothing was seen until the 6th month.
Oh, I’m always scared, because in the evening you see a little but as soon as the next day is I feel nothing more and my belly is no longer there
Don’t worry so much and enjoy pregnancy.
Your stomach will grow even more than you love.
I do thank you