Mein Arzt hat sich bei der Impfung verguckt?
Hallo, vor 4 Wochen hat mein Hausarzt einen Brief an die Krankenkasse geschrieben, weil ich sehr dringend eine Hepatitis B Impfung brauche.
Heute war ich beim Hausarzt und es gab keine Impfung, weil ich habe doch eine Hepatitis B Impfung erhalten. Er hat sich verguckt und entschuldigt.
Ist das ein guter oder ein schlechter Arzt, wenn er sich bei der Impfung verguckt hat?
Ist das peinlich vom einen Hausarzt?
Und bitte mit Begründung.
It’s not embarrassing and doesn’t say anything about the doctor.
Vaccinators are usually quite a mess, because it happens quickly that you overlook something and in doubt you prefer to vaccinate again
Harmless mistake that can happen every time
Why are these mistakes harmless? If the doctor had given me another vaccination, would it be good or bad? Can I die?
Then you would have a next vaccination, that was 🤷 ♂️
Everyone makes a mistake. That’s why he’s not a bad doctor.
He’s just a man, too. What can happen
You seem not satisfied with your doctor. Then you should change it.
He is a good and honest doctor
Why is he a good and honest doctor?
Mistake. As long as they are exposed, BEVOR puts the needle in the arm, everything is OK.
A good doctor’s looking again before he administered something.
A bad stalks yet
No matter how good you are, mistakes are human and can always happen.
As long as there are not constant errors, but that is unique, I would not conclude that it is a sheer doctor. A very bad doctor would have just said nothing about the mistake and kept it silent.
Why wouldn’t a bad doctor have said nothing about the mistake and apologized?
It’s not embarrassing. Whether a doctor is “forged” is not a quality criterion.
Are you okay? Vaccinated or not…