Mein 20 Jähriger Sohn will ausziehen zu seiner Freundin deren Eltern . Wie kann ich damit umgehen?

Mein 20 Jähriger Sohn möchte zu den Eltern seiner Freundin ziehen. Er befindet sich noch ein halbes Jahr in der Ausbildung. Mein Mann und ich wollen unser Haus verkaufen, und wollen 100 Kilometer entfernt ein neues bauen. Mein Sohn möchte nicht mit uns ziehen, obwohl er nach der Ausbildung einen neue Firma suchen möchte. Er sagte dann sieht er seine Freundin nicht mehr und müsste am Wochenende 100 Kilometer fahren. Ich bin so traurig und weiß nicht wie ich das sehen soll?

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2 years ago

Find yourself out. Until your house’s finished, he’ll probably get together with the girlfriend. Even without their parents.

2 years ago
Reply to  dani121973

3 adults in a 2 bedroom apartment? Doesn’t sound very tingling. Let go of your adult son.

2 years ago
Reply to  dani121973

I can understand you. But it’s probably gonna be easier for you if he doesn’t even move in than if he’s moving out. A real new beginning to two then.

2 years ago

Even 4 adults. The father will not live permanently abroad, just because he works there. He’s got a vacation too and he’s home.

2 years ago

Rejoice for your son to take another step towards adult life and become even more independent. You can still make regular calls. Even by video call. The technology today makes it possible.

And 100 km is not from the world either. I used to drive back to work daily (51 km distance). You can still see yourself regularly in Natura. I live 380 km away from my parents and see them regularly.

That children will be pulled out of the parental nest is quite normal.

2 years ago
Reply to  dani121973

Please learn to separate yourself from the psychic navel cord still on you to your son! I think that the distance will do you very well.

2 years ago
Reply to  dani121973

One of them has to move away. Either your son or his girlfriend. This decision, however, is the only and only thing of the two and they have decided that the son will go to the girlfriend and not vice versa.

2 years ago

I’m so sad and I don’t know how to see that?

Then don’t sell your house. Problem solved!

2 years ago
Reply to  dani121973

Uii! 2 rooms apartment for three people. Well, I’d refuse. Can understand your son. He’s grown-up enough and you should learn to get it clear

2 years ago
Reply to  dani121973

Therefore my question why must my son move to the friend of their parents

Because he wants it quite obvious. Why do you have to build a new house?

2 years ago

God. That’s extremely hard. Can the son understand this and his decision. That makes no sense

2 years ago

Even for four people. Even the father will come back once and not live permanently abroad. He also has a vacation from his work.

2 years ago

And then she expects her adult son and his girlfriend to share a 2 room apartment with her. Which 20-year-old wants this.

2 years ago

If you make the bill without the host…

You made your decision over the head of your son. Apparently to ask for SEINEN plans for the future.

The girlfriend is in training and certainly does not have the means to move from now on to an apartment with him.

If their parents have enough room in the house, why not move to her. It is obvious and foreseeable until the end of its training.

Your plan with the two room apartment is said to be absolutely bullshit.

You don’t really think he’s squeezing himself into a two-room apartment together with a friend, you and possibly a father? Not really. Not really.

I can understand that it is sometimes shocking when the children grow up “so suddenly” and stand on their own legs and also have their own opinions and assert them to their parents;-)

You come with the argument that he can drive the 100 km to the girlfriend. The same also applies to you to visit him 😉

For him a new period of self-employment begins. For you a new stage of life to two as a couple without a parent role

2 years ago

I’m leaving. So you’re the triggers of the problem.

Your son – who is no more than 5 – just want to stay in his usual environment and with his girlfriend. That would make my son the same and I would find it strange if it were different.

That the question was sorted into “children’s education”, by the way, says a lot…

2 years ago

Sounds as hard as it sounds, but you have to learn to come up with it!

He is full-year and may make his own decisions. And it’s also where he wants to live. He made his decision. And you have to accept that. He can’t hang on your rock cypfel for a lifetime. And that doesn’t mean you’ll never see each other again. Only that you will do it less than before. What might be good for you, as it sounds like you could just let go hard that he’s grown up and old enough.

2 years ago

I can understand you. But he’s over 20 and has to start his life now

2 years ago

short and short with 20 your son is old enough to take his life into his hand

2 years ago

Your son is grown up, you should be happy if he wants to stand on his own legs

So let him go and don’t clamp

2 years ago

This is the course of life.

so you have to realize that your son wants your own life.

that your son doesn’t want to get rid of his pearl so much.

1 year ago

Look for a psychiatrist if you don’t understand.

Did God know long enough that your son will go his own ways.

Basically, you’re just jealous that he’ll live with the mother-in-laws.

My son has a warm relationship with his mother-in-laws. That’s nice for everyone!

2 years ago

Your son has been full-year for two years.

2 years ago

You have to learn to let go! Your son isn’t out of the world.