Mein 13 Jähriger Sohn Raucht, was tun?

Er ist 13, bald 14. Habe vor kurzer zeit erfahren, dass er Raucht, jedoch schon seit über einem halben jahr. Er blockt Gespräche kommplett ab, sieht nichts ein. Er Vaped und trinkt übrigens auch, seit einem halben Jahr.

Er hatte in den Vergangenheit schon mehrfach Geld geklaut, insgesamt 3 mal gesammt 1000€ über das alter von 12 – 13,5. Nach jedem mal war er traurig, aber tat es erneut, ohne einsicht.

Er hat 5 Freunde, die Alle absoluter Absturz sind, zwar 2 jahre Älter, jedoch aus schlimmen Familien und ich würde wetten, dass nicht einer der 5 jemals über mindestlohn verdient. Den Umgang mit Zigaretten, Alk und Co. natürlich von denen. Trotz jeder Maßnahme will er sich aber nicht von ihnen trennen, sobald er wieder frei das Haus verlassen darf, geht er zu Ihnen.

Gespräche mit den Eltern seiner Freude sind keine Mühe wert. Ich habe es probiert.

Ich weiß wirklich nicht was ich tun soll. Er lässt nicht mit sich reden. Hilfe.

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1 year ago

The Storry sounds a bit like me back then.

When I grew up in a really good family and still totally turned off at the age, ended in a school break 10. Class, drug addiction, withdrawal clinic. I still got something out of me. Have a completed study and a relatively good job. But only thanks to the support my family gave me despite all the shit that went then when I “finally” sometime himself The view came with 19 after a relatively traumatic experience.

Unfortunately, friends have a strong influence at age. Especially if you’re a little rebellious. What the parents say is “uncool” . Prohibitions are more likely to make it even more interesting. You don’t believe the truth, because you know it better than the “satisfied” adults.

Vlt you’re lucky, and that’s just a phase, and it’s all right.

Otherwise, I think another circle of friends is the only solution, if necessary moving if possible.

If it should really get worse in his youth and not improve, you can look for help with the Youth Office. They have social workers who are able to identify with this and then also give tips.

1 year ago

Most of them only learn what if they really fell on their noses. I know about the worries that parents have today when far too young children do such things,wrong friends have etc. Vll. you should give him other recreational offers, where he comes with other better educated children and young people. You must have clubs on site.

1 year ago

I would look for the conversation with him and ask why he smokes at all, maybe he just wants to be part of it or there are other reasons in addition, I would specifically tell him about the medical consequences and ask him to stop and offer him my help in the end, I would still take off the cigarettes and burn them only because of the duty of care, however, if he is unintentional that he continues to smoke secretly

1 year ago

it is his life if he wants to do it so well but not under your roof then he must go but since you probably see it differently Send him to a withdrawal clinic or first time into a facility for heavier-drawable after that he should appreciate what he has.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fenris244

Hope you don’t have your own kids.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ntouka7

Children (human children only) are the most reminiscent on this planet, which is not voluntary.

1 year ago

I don’t see many possibilities you can do as a parent, because he obviously doesn’t listen and has his own head. If he sues you, I’d show him. Of course this is hard to do as parents, but vllt teaches him the law..

1 year ago

Moving, he’ll have to find new friends.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ntouka7

It will probably maintain its bad properties in the other place.

1 year ago

Let the youth office help you.

1 year ago


Encourage him that you will bring any further theft mercilessly to the police display – but not only speak, but also do.