Mehrtägige Fahrradtour mit Citybike?
Hallo Fahrradfreunde,
ich habe den Wunsch, diesen Sommer eine 2×4-tägige Fahrradtour vom Taunus an die Nordsee zu machen. Erst sind es ca. 260 km bis in die Nähe von Hannover, für die ich 3,5 Tage angesetzt habe. Nach 2 Wochen in Hannover soll es nochmal 4 Tage und 255 km weitergehen an die Nordsee.
Jetzt bin ich allerdings sehr unsicher, ob das wirklich ein gutes Vorhaben ist, denn ich habe nur ein Citybike und dafür ein Trekking- oder Rennrad zu kaufen, kommt nicht in Frage. Bei meinem Fahrrad kriege ich auch Reperaturen wie z.B. einen Reifen flicken, leider nicht selbstständig hin. Sorgen bereiten mir auch die Berge, die auf der Tour teilweise schon recht steil werden.
Gestern habe ich mal eine 110 km Probefahrt durch sehr flache Landschaft gemacht, um zu schauen, wie ich es schaffe, 6,5 Stunden an einem Tag im Sattel zu sein und das hat mich schon sehr angestrengt.
Meinungen erbeten
LG Zauberfee
I can only agree with stadewaeldchen. In principle, it doesn’t matter much. Clearly with the trekking wheel are only not only faster and with the chain link you have a greater choice of ways to raise the mountain, but you can also do that with a city wheel. And remember after each ascent there is also a descent.
If you’ve already taken 110 Km to the rehearsal and made it, what are you afraid of? Get on the saddle and nothing like that, much fun.
Driving from the stand in 6.5 hours 110 Km is a ripe performance!!!
What as my view can make problems with a Citybike is the saddle shape, which is often very wide at the front and can lead to shy areas.
Frequently, the saddle also has a trough in the middle, which can press in front. The natural enemy of the driver is the double seam in the jeans, I would wear something else.
Look, that’s something. And your planned stages are much shorter. And it’s clear that ds is exhausting, but what did you expect? Do you think with a trekking wheel you jump after 110km from the wheel like a young roe?
VIel fun on the tour.
In the case of such long distances, bicycle knowledge must already be available, tyre patches, replacement bulbs and some tools should be on board at least. A comfortable saddle is of course also necessary, which does not sit through long tours. Where or how do you even want to stay? Whoever causes a traffic accident because of fatigue is also always in debt, I would not risk it despite all ambitious goals.
If you drive from the stand a tour of 110 km on half a day, there is no reason for me to doubt 4x 75 km of the day. There is more “how to” the limiting factor, not the body.
For example, one should always be careful to drive completely tired on the first two days. Then the 3rd day will be really unpleasant. So even if you could theoretically drive the day course in 5 h, take your time to the evening.
This is something you can learn and practice. If you have to have a different bike, that kind of skill is not falling from heaven.
When you arrive at the smallest corridor and it becomes too steep for this, stop and push. Isn’t a shame, it’s a power with muscle power!
Otherwise, it is also time to revise the tour planning in detail, for example, to see if particularly high mountains can also be rounded. 5 km away, it would be worth saving 200 meters.