Mehrfamilienhaus bei 50k€ Eigenkapital?
ich habe etwa 50.000€ auf Seite und würde es gerne investieren. Ich habe mir überlegt ein Mehrfamilienhaus mit 4-5 Wohnungen zu kaufen, welches etwa 400.000-500.000€ kosten würde. Ich habe eine Festanstellung in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie und verdiene derzeit c.a 3000€ netto plus Weihnachtsgeld, EBIT Prämie etc.
Bekomme ich so einen hohen Kredit ?
könnte ich eventuell sogar Millionen Kredit bekommen ?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
the EC will be too little.
at 500k purchase costs are approx. € 100,000 for purchase. Let’s say you need to partially renovate the apartments before renting. for 5 apartments together 50k. They’re only 10k per apartment.
Makes 650k at necessary costs. at least. 20% equity has = €130,000 – unfortunately you don’t even have half of it. So it will fail at the EK.
My guess at the purchase price is rather that the apartments or the house must be severely refurbished. Then you can easily invest 200k again before you can rent the apartments at a reasonable price. If you don’t do that, you can hardly ask for rent – but you need a high rent so you can afford the fun at all.
And that’s the basic problem. Without renovation = little rent = you have too little revenue to deceive the loan. With renovation = a higher credit is necessary = higher monthly costs = higher rent but also higher credit rate – in the end you probably won’t stay great more or less
Suppose you find a bank that still grants you a loan.
Let’s calculate 600k credit to 25 years with 4% interest – that makes a rate brigade 2.860 € = actually your complete salary. = actually not available
If you rent the apartments then surely will count a part of the profit as your income, but you have to earn at least 6,700 € net per month with rent + income then. that means with the rents at least. 3.700 € GEWIN!!!! per month make. that means you have already deducted all costs from the 3,700 €. So taxes, reserves for repairs etc. It would have to be even more profits because an apartment could be empty…
That’s what I thought was best case. If you get a volcanic acreation it will be more like the 7% interest. Then we are at a monthly rate of €4,000 to be able to pay you would have to make a pure profit of €7,000 per month with the rent. this is a reasonable amount…
If that were going so easy, everyone would only buy real estate and rent them.
only if you can offer any collateral to them – e.g. a paid property
pretty sure not. There would have to be more real estate than collateral.
the numbers are kpl. wrong
What’s wrong? You can correct me. just simply “all is wrong” writing is not constructive criticism
then Baller I hold 50k€ in Tesla shares and then buy me a hotel in 5 years
That would be a 100% financing. If only with high interest. You can lower tilgen, your return is i.A. and the risk is just there
No. If you don’t bring at least 20% of the funding amount yourself, no bank will give you the money.
And you don’t even bring 10 % together after deduction of construction costs (Notar, Basic Tax etc.).
A EUR 500,000 loan would cost about 2,300 a month with a 35-year term. You don’t finance a bank with 3,000 euros.
But the rents cancel
No, the rich by far not for it. In addition: basic tax, reserves, insurance, vacancies, attorney’s and court fees, repairs, maintenance, housekeeping etc. must also be paid.
And what do you do with voidness that can always exist? That’s why the bank doesn’t expect it. Apart from that, you also have to tax the rental income.
Rental properties are actually always financed to 100%
But not from a bank and not as a single security a building (and that a house with four or 5 apartments is available for 400 or 500 TEUR, is on hand.
So someone who gets only just over a deposit carrying an income also has a credit over 1 million euro?
Because if that were the case, income and EK would be completely irrelevant – you can always eliminate the credit through the rental income.
If that were so simple, why doesn’t everyone do that?
I want to see the MFH with 4 to 5 apartments for 500,000€.
Either it is old or severely refurbished.
Therefore, you have to take into account another €200,000 to €300,000 for the renovation.
I am not
No is in a
very good condition. Outside of our city
What year of construction?
In no case, what do you want with so many apartments… 10 children?
Most likely rent
Rent and cancel with the take
This is a risk that banks can pay by higher interest rates.