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Guten Abend, ich brauche Hilfe bei der Frage Danke für eure Hilfe LG
There are not only single stars, but often also double stars or Double star systems, i.e. two stars that are strongly bound to each other and converge around a common focus. But even more than double stars are possible, that would then be multiple star systems, e.g. a triple star system. In the case of a triple star system, there is usually a double star and a single star that surrounds the common center of gravity. Multiple star systems are less common than double star systems. About 50% of all stars are double stars, about 20% of all star triple star systems, more than triple star systems are rare, but there are also.
the majority of stars are not alone. Double stars are very common.
These are star systems with two or more stars that surround each other.
So I found several results on Google.