Mehrere Lymphknoten am Hals/Kiefer/Wange . Jemand ähnliches?

Ich habe seit vielen Jahren geschwollene Lymphknoten . Erst ging es los am Hals ein kleiner der mittlerweile viel kleiner geworden ist aber nicht ganz weg . Als ich 13 war hatte ich 3 geschwollene an Brust und neben der Brust davon wurde eine Biopsie gemacht alles in Ordnung. Der Frauenarzt meinte dort waren lymphknoten die dort gar nicht hin gehörten . In 2016 bemerkte ich erneut was am Hals . Viele Hausärzte/Hno und auch im Krankenhaus alle tasteten diese ab es wurde Ultraschall gemacht und dies war unauffällig. Blutbild unauffällig. Der hno meinte dann es kann Krebs sein aber eher unwahrscheinlich in meinem Alter (31) komplette Schwachsinn denn Krebs kennt kein Alter . Die Hno Ärztin sah meine Mandeln an eine ist dauerhaft vergrößert . Sie sagte man sollte vilt eine Biopsie von den knoten machen fragte nach Beschwerden wie Fieber Nachtschweiß oder Gewichtsverlust. Ich verneinte all dies . Bis auf Müdigkeit habe ich nichts . Habe dann im Krankenhaus nochmal ein Ultraschall gehabt es war unauffällig und morgen MRT . Ich bin so nervös 😬 hat jemand ähnliches ? Frage mich wenn sie nichts finden was könnte es dann sein ?

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1 year ago

Everyone has many, many lymph nodes. They are connected to our health police and lymphatics, for waste disposal.
You’re glad they’re active!

1 year ago

Just at the neck, or at the bottom of the jaw in the middle, have a slightly enlarged one that can be felt, but always go to ultrasound and he thinks it would be harmless.

Wish you a good luck tomorrow

1 year ago

I have something similar. You probably had a infection and the lymph nodes were swollen udn are then calcified. They can be removed, but OPs are always associated with risks.

That’s why I just live with it.

Your further symptoms speak against cancer. Cancer has something to do with age. The older you get the higher the chance to get him.

1 year ago

Well, here you can only suspect, and this can certainly better treat you doctors. Apart from cancer, this could also occur in autoimmune diseases. Wait for the doctor’s appointment as long as everything is inconspicuous and you don’t have any symptoms, that’s good first. Good for tomorrow.

1 year ago
Reply to  ElliNando

Lymph nodes with 6mm “short axes” diameters are, in principle, undeniable that you are still repeatedly examined / controlled is ok, but from what you describe, there is no tumour suspicion.

That would also not be a “size” that calls after a biopsy.

Sonographically, the course can be controlled very well (fast, painless, reliable and also inexpensive)

1 year ago

That’s what doctors tell you, not lay people here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Melody888

… and not lay people here.

Here are not only lay people,

but also doctors and doctors.

You’ve been here several times

informed! Why do you ignore this

again and again?

1 year ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

What’s going on, you’re not a doctor.

1 year ago
Reply to  Melody888

Well, right, the doctors here…

1 year ago

Wenn du kein Argumente oder kein Beweise hast kommst mit Unterstellungen.

Oops… jetzt verdrehst du die Tatsachen!

Ich sage die Wahrheit und bin kein andere Person.


Es sind kein echte Ärzte hier,

DOCH! Der BEWEIS ist ja schon,

dass hier inzwischen schon

1 Arzt ( Beamer05)

und 2 Ärztinnen

( Rapunzel324 + GabHH)

kommentiert haben‼️

egal wie oft du hier Lügst.

Siehste, wieder ne dreiste Unterstellung‼️

Wer einmal Lügt dem glaubt man nicht, auch dein Schreibweise macht es nicht sind Laien, genau wie DU, die sich anmaßen, medizinische Kenntnisse zu haben.

Wieder dreiste Unterstellungen‼️

Es passt dir nicht, das man dir, und nicht unbesehen zustimmt, nein mußt auch noch mit difusen Unterstellungen kommen, mich mit ein andere Userin zu vergleichen.


Verraten hast dich selbst, warscheiinlich hast diese Userin auch derart beleidigt,

Nein, die hat genau denselben Quatsch wie du geschrieben und hatte genau denselben frechen, unverschämten Ton, wie du!

kannst wohl nicht anders, als hetzen und beleidigen,wenn du nicht weiter weißt.

Nirgendwo habe ich gehetzt o. beleidigt!

Du solltest mal ein Therapeuten aufsuchen, der kann dir helfen die Wahrheit zu sagen, nicht nur Fremde anzulügen,

Und wieder Unterstellungen❗️Ich sage

die Wahrheit und lüge niemanden an.

DU hast nen Therapeuten nötig, nicht ich.

das ist auch mit BG möglich.

Mit deinem BG-Bezug habe ich nix zu tun,

interessiert mich nicht. Dein Problem!

1 year ago

There are no real doctors here, no matter how often you lie here.

Says who?

How do you think you know?

Isn’t that your world?

Even in this splendoured world, in which hardly anyone seems to know what kind of decency, respect, and mutual coexistence means, doctors try to help themselves in the lying “social” media.

Thanks here… almost every day.

You take out strange persons to call you a liar. Somehow it seems familiar to me… 🫣

Who I am… I belong to that group of people who do not exist here in your world. 🤔

1 year ago

You’re just Laie, like almost everyone here…

Jooo… FAST all here!

Doctors have better things to do after their shift than getting around on GF.

Yeah, you’re not wrong. I am also often saying that if I are to be denied here, which seems to be almost part of the agenda for some people.

Let’s correct their minds. Often, this is based only on hearing and/or on completely outdated reports. Very dangerous.

But imagine… some doctors like to help if they can and then still will be given help here and there, even after a 12-hour shift.

That’s why you shouldn’t be a liar, just because you can’t imagine it or don’t fit it into your ideology!

A bit more tolerance, insight and coexistence, the world could be much easier.

Without mutual respect, it does not work in a society.

1 year ago

Here is an example of doctors active at GF:

Tobias Radebold, chief physician accident and hand surgery, at the Orthopaedic Clinic Lichtenau:

1 year ago

If you have no argument or no evidence, come with submissions. I’m telling the truth and I’m not another person. There are no real doctors here, no matter how often you lie here. Whoever lies does not believe it, even your spelling does not make it better. It is lay, just like you who presume to have medical knowledge. It doesn’t fit you, and you don’t have to be unequivocally, no has to come with difuse submissions to compare me with another user. Confessed yourself, warshould have insulted this user in such a way, may not be different from petting and insulting if you don’t know more. You should visit a therapist who can help you tell the truth not only to lie to strangers, that is also possible with BG.

1 year ago

no doctor post here,

And you know how?

What do you object to being involved here (gf), sometimes as a doctor when it comes to medical questions, sometimes as a layman – which I am in the other subjects?

It’s strange that you pretend to know exactly what to do as a doctor in his spare time or what…

1 year ago

Not everyone who calls himself a doctor is also one.

The 5 doctors I know here

….are definitely some.

These are lay people who like to overestimate themselves,

I don’t know such lay people.

Just like you.


Join each time I post.


Then come with some bullshit.

Also lies

Now with 5 doctors,

When you were Annemue, there were four doctors. Now you betrayed yourself.

no doctor postes here unless he/she is unemployed,

Thirteenth subdivisions❗️

Just like you.

Also tends to lower

You’re posting exactly when normal people work.

That’s not what you’re doing.

at what times I post

If your profile would be right, it wouldn’t have time.

You can’t do that

judge, let alone know!!️

In contrast to you, I can allow myself to post when I want, my businesses run very well.Whisky and money flow, no matter how the economy is running, is always drunk.

I can only say: Whoever lies himself also thinks that others lie

1 year ago

Add to my comment!

Here are some relevant answers, as an example:


1 year ago

Short info on my side!

There have been such discussions with GF more often, even with almost identical spellings, e.g. here:

Doctors are also entitled to a pension. If you are interested in reading:

Not yet! At GF, medical lays are active, which are excellently recognized in medical subjects, e.g. in the differentiated forms of diabetes Mellitus.

I wish you a nice day!

1 year ago

Not everyone who calls himself a doctor is also one. These are lay people who like to overestimate each other, just like you. Then come with some bullshit. Now once with 5 doctors, no doctor can post here unless he/she is unemployed, just like you. You’re posting exactly when normal people work. If your profile would be right, wouldn’t have the time to do so.In contrast to you, I can allow myself to post when I want, my business is running very well.Whisky and money flow, no matter how the business is running, getting drunk.

1 year ago

You’re not a doctor.

I’ve never said anything.

Doctors have better things to do after their shift than getting around on GF.

How do you know?

I know 5 doctors by myself

and doctors who are here on the GF

regularly write answers.

There are probably more.

1 year ago

I’m not hot, Anne, what sucks you out of your fingers for bullshit. You’re just Laie, like almost everyone here, or you’ve become big mad. You’re not a doctor. Doctors have better things to do after their shift than getting around on GF.

1 year ago

Oh, Anne, is it going back? We had that before…