Mehrere Bildschirme in KDE Debian 12 mit NVIDIA einrichten?

Hallo an alle!

Folgendes, ich habe mir auf meinem Laptop Debian 12 installiert. Der Bildschirm des Laptops selbst ist dabei “aus” und zeigt lediglich ein unterstrich. Genauso wie der Monitor auf der anderen Seite, der LG in der Mitte funktioniert. Die Graka ist eine 1060. Ich nutze diese mit den proprietären Treibern. Nun werden aber in den Einstellungen der NVIDIA Software keine weiteren Monitore erkannt. Die zwei Bildschirme zeigen den Bootloader und alles was danach Terminaltechnisch passiert. Da ist der LG schwarz. Erst wenn ich den PC wieder aus mache sehe ich alles auf den zwei Bildschirmen stoppen und herunterfahren.

Danke schonmal für alle Antworten.

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8 months ago

However, no further monitors are detected in the settings of the NVIDIA software. The two screens show the bootloader and everything that happens in terminal technology. There’s the LG black. Only when I make the PC again I see everything stop and shut down on the two screens.

Do you use the Open Source Driver from Linux itself or do you use the Teriber offered by Nvidia manufacturer on its website?

8 months ago
Reply to  Ahegao785

You shouldn’t use that. because this unsauber function. Many users under Linux make the mistake and wonder why the manufacturer’s own driver is so bad. Some time ago, Nvidia has moped a Linux kernel and sent Linus Torwalds to Linux’s native. This was so shocked that he has banished this kernel. The uncooperative attitude of Nvidia to Linux has led to more or less disputes.

End result is the attitude of Linux Torwalds regarding Nvidia.

Uninstall the driver from the manufacturer and use the open source offered by Linux. It simply works better than that of Nvidia.

8 months ago

That even confirms my opinion.

Also those of Linus Towald’s concern Nvidia, that is, the native of Linux itself.

Better to use an AMD graphics card so that you are better operated. Or you boycott Nvidia by not using any GK from those until you bend in and deliver smart drivers to your graphics cards.

8 months ago

So, driver plus xorg conf removed and xorg conf reconfigured. Everything works, but I don’t use the Graka. I install the open source drivers and immediately start the problems again.

Linux automatically recognizes the hardware you don’t have to install anything.The drivers do not come from an external source. If you have something to do with it, it would be better to reinstall from scratch.

Every attempt to get any benefits with tools about Nvidia will fail under Linux. For this, the manufacturer can thank you for this way and flexibly or so cooperative with Linux is (Nvidia)

Once you install anything about Nvidia, the problems start again.

8 months ago

Let the config of xorg.conf rest, don’t stick around or change what. Sometimes the values there are also decisive that your LG does not participate.

cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak

rm -rf xorg.conf

do not make any manual configs.

Does not help back up data and reset Linux . the file in the detail point for point durcgang takes hours. A new installation goes faster.