Mehr über Motorräder lernen?
Ich finde Motorradfahren sehr cool und würde gerne meinen Motorradführerschein machen. Allerdings kenne ich mich wirklich kaum mit Motorrädern aus. Ich weiß wirklich nichts, kenne keine Marken, keine Motorräder und weiß auch nicht worauf es ankommt. Dieses Wissen würde ich mir aber gerne aneignen.
Kann mir jemand einen Überblick geben? Eine Internetseite oder so wäre auch gut. Aber bitte nicht zu fachlich. Bin echt kein Profi😅 (online magazine) is edged with information, as you can check in. 1000PS is also not reversed,
If you have anything to do with terms or so unclear, it is important to try Google. The knowledge cannot conjure you into the head;)
I’ll join the others. In your place, you could also ask at one or the other motorcycle and/or two-wheeler dealers whether you can work there after school and/or holidays in any form because you are very interested. I do not know how the economic situation is at present, but there is always something to do.
And if not, the mechanic and/or mechanic can look over the shoulder and ask them holes in the belly. But then they shouldn’t be in the way. And they’ll let you screw yourself around on simple things. I’m just coming to this idea because we’ve got two motorcycle dealers on site. And, as you know, asking doesn’t cost anything.
Either read in the web, forum etc. Or get magazines.
There are motorcycle magazines, go to the newspaper box!
As others say, go to the magazine shop and take a magazine that appeals to you.