mehr trinken /kann nur tee trinken?

Hey ihr,

Mir ist gestern Abend aufgefallen, dass ich viel zu wenig trinke. Meist nichtmal 1l am Tag, ich kann einfach mehr trinken, das einzige was ich viel trinke ist tee, da meist bis zu 2l am Tag, alles andere funktioniert irgendwie nicht. Woran könnte das liegen? Wasser kann ich zb garnicht trinken, dadurch wird mir meist schlecht weil es mir nicht schmeckt 😅

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2 years ago

When we talk about tap water, the quality varies from city to city. And the amount of liquid you should take differs from human to human.

Drink if you’re thirsty. It’s really easy. And there’s nothing against tea.

2 years ago

Waiting and drinking tea is so beautiful. There’s nothing you’re the only one to do. It is absolutely nothing to use for tea, as long as it is sugar-free and does not contain any huge amounts of caffeine.

So you can easily replace water with tea. I’ll do it myself because it’s really hard for me to drink plenty of water. Even in summer at 30 degrees, I can hardly get water down. There are also some tea.

2 years ago

You’re drinking enough. If you don’t just drink black tea and if it isn’t sugary, it’s not a problem. There are so many delicious teas.

2 years ago

1.5 to 2 liters of unsweetened or very little sweetened drinks is enough for teenagers and adults if you don’t sweat much (because of sports or heat).

Tea without or with little sugar is all right, perhaps not only blacker.

As far as the water is concerned, you might try different varieties and brands. There are quite differences in taste.

2 years ago

This is pure habit, keep thinning your tea until it is pure water and it tastes best for you. Or try another water, some simply taste delicious.

Otherwise you have to drink enough unsweetened tea, preferably herbs and fruits. Too much caffeine-containing teas are unhealthy.

2 years ago

Yeah, I got the same problem.

I therefore drink mineral water almost every day (sometimes with lemon)

I just don’t get water down because I don’t like it

but you can taste it with syrup or with a taste

2 years ago

Tea’s fine. And two litres are optimal, distributed over the day.

Little or better without sugar.