Mehr Datenvolumen verbraucht als haben?
Hallo, ich habe im Monat 60gb dieses Monat gingen sie zum ersten mal leer und jetzt habe ich schon 60,70gb verbraucht wie geht das ich habe die sms auch noch nicht bekommen das es leer ist nur das es zu 80% verbraucht ist. Weiß jemand warum und wie? Zahl ich am ende drauf? Bin bei Freenet
For almost all tariffs in Germany, a data inflation is included. The specified amount of data (in GB) refers only to the high-speed data volume. This means that you can consume 60 GB unthrottled per month, after which the throughput (“speed”) is usually throttled to extremely low 64 or 32 kbit/s, so that for example the page call on the Internet becomes extremely slow.
What rate do you have?
green LTE 60GB. But I only thought 60gb overall and if the 60 are gone, you understand what I mean?
is a normal Drosssel tariff, from 60 GB is throttled to 64 kbit/s; theoretically, the total volume is unlimited. You should also notice this when using the internet, most of which is hardly useful at 64 kbit/s throughput.
so with me everything works tip top. So that means I have infinite data volumes only now is it just slower?
Are you aware that your mastery of the German language is so bad that nobody understands what you want to tell us?
So 1. auto-correct 2. you can understand everything you need to understand (girl = month
What e.g. means Your statement