Mehr Auslastung und weniger Schlaf Hund?

Ist es okay, wenn ein Hund an manchen Tagen sehr viel unterwegs ist, zu tun hat und viel weniger Schlaf hat als an anderen Tagen?

Ich meine: ich bin mit meinem Hund täglich um die 4 Stunden unterwegs und dann Kuscheln wir auch noch. Er schläft und döst den Rest der Zeit. Aber an manchen Tagen ist es dann so, dass er mit mir gut 8 Stunden unterwegs ist oder sogar noch mehr.

Ist das okay, wenn er danach ein-zwei Tage mehr Ruhe hat oder dann wieder dieselbe Routine ist, wie sonst?

Ist es besser, wenn mein Hund nach einem solchen Tag zwei Tage darauf mehr Ruhe bekommt oder ist es besser am nächsten Tag mit der gewohnten Routine weiterzumachen?

Wie handhabt Ihr das, wenn Ihr an einem Tag mal viel länger mit Eurem Hund unterwegs wart als sonst?

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1 year ago

That’s very important to the dog. Of course, the dog is much longer on the go when you walk, for example. That’s not daily and that’s why it’s completely okay. The dog lives with you, it’s normal that there are more action or less on certain days.

Personally, the next day, I’ll see how the dog is on it. My usually needs a little more rest or at least simply cozy walks. But this is certainly different from dog to dog.

1 year ago

It depends on the dog. Some dogs get badly clear when a lot is going on a day, get badly at night or show jumping behavior. Other dogs pull themselves back after an exciting day and take the rest they need.

If my dogs have experienced a lot then the next day there is our normal routine, unless a dog shows that he needs more rest.

1 year ago

If the dog is healthy, it should not be a problem. My dog goes to work every day and after that we go for 1-2 hours. It is, however, that he has his basket at work and sleeps a lot.

1 year ago

It usually doesn’t matter to a healthy dog. Mine is to make seasons, especially during the pasture season, with me from 7 to evening at 10:00 am. He’ll stop if he has the chance on his way. No topic.

Shouldn’t be the case every day, but it doesn’t matter at all.

1 year ago

My dog lives with me. There’s more and less out of employment.

Don’t worry about it. A dog doesn’t live after the clock. Of course you shouldn’t burden him every day until you fall.

But if he has rest days in between, it’s okay

1 year ago

Your dog shows you what he needs, you just have to look.

On days when really much is going on (for example on weekends) my female does everything, she wants to be there everywhere. The day on it, however, I hardly see her or set her free space in order to recharge strength. What’s good for her is also good for me.

Do you need no rest on the days after that?