Mehl als Ersatz für Speisestärke?
Ich will eine Soße (Asiatische Süß-Sauer)machen und im Rezept Speisestärke angegeben.
Ich wollte mal Fragen ob ich stattdessen Weizenmehl benutzen kann?
Im internet stand wohl 3:1, also 3 EL Mehl anstatt 1EL Speisestärke
Nee, simply will not replace anything, especially has flour too much own taste.
For Asian sauces etc. always use rice starch or tapioca flour.
My personal, general experience is that wheat flour thickens worse than food starch or potato flour (my favorite!)
I’ve already used everything for Asian sauces.
Whether it’s “right” or “wrong” – it works. 😉
Thanks for the (fast) answer. If the ratio was 3:1, then all right or too much
Oh, my God, I’m doing this for the guts.
Usually mix 3-4 teaspoons with maybe 100 ml of water in a cup/cup and then mix under the actual sauce.
The previous mixing prevents lump formation.
So just pouring in like this is nothing. Besides, it doesn’t taste if you don’t make a mildew before.