Mega angst schwanger zu sein :(?


ich hatte vor ein paar tagen zwar kein sex aber petting.

er hat sich vorm petting die hände gründlich gewaschen usw usw.

in 1 woche beginnt meine periode und ich habe einen aufgeblähten bauch ein bisschen und so ein kleines ziehen im unterleib.

ich habe nachgeschaut aber da steht es sind schwangerschafts anzeichen.

ich habe so mega dolle angst das ich schwanger bin weil google und andere meinten ja sind frühanzeichen von schwangerschaft ich bin erst 14 aber ich hatte ja kein sex und er hat sich immer gründlich die hände gewaschen und ich auch?

bitte helft mir ich habe so unnormale angst ich habe so paranoia

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6 months ago

Such symptoms can also be triggered by PMS. This has many girls/women, and it is also very common that the complaints already use a week before bleeding.

Relax, Internet/Google is not always right:)

6 months ago
Reply to  Jxide124

Have you ever been to a female doctor for this pain?

I have PMS myself and I always have the same symptoms as you. Is it annoying, but no reason for concern in the normal case 🙂

6 months ago


It’s very unlikely you’re pregnant, you’ve been watching.

Your symptoms may also occur naturally from the period, before they may not notice you because you had no reason to pay attention to it, but now you’re afraid and take care of every little thing.

In addition, your complaints are not clear signs of pregnancy. Only when your period is really longer than 3 days can you worry about a pregnancy. Before that, everything is different and just unnecessary panic. If your period remains, you can make a pregnancy test.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



6 months ago

It’s not possible to get pregnant.

Signs of pregnancy are given only from approx. 6. Week, so in your case can’t be absolutely!

6 months ago
Reply to  Jxide124

Yes, so we said it could be UNMÖGLICH symptoms of pregnancy.

6 months ago

No, these are not safe pregnancy signs, the symptoms can have many causes that have nothing to do with pregnancy.

6 months ago

Against Paranoia helps enlightenment:

How can a woman get pregnant?

Pregnant can become a woman when sperms with enough seed fluid get directly into their vagina (skin). The vagina is inside. So it can get pregnant during intercourse. And she can get pregnant if she or her partner brings enough fresh ejaculate (=sperm) to the vagina entrance or introduces it into the vagina.

Sperm survive in the air only minutes

Sperms are extremely sensitive. You must be able to move to fertilize an egg. Only in their liquid can they move and survive. As soon as the sperm is in the air, the sperm fluid begins to change. Why? surviving sperm in the air just a few minutes. Maybe individuals survive longer. But they can be sure no longer fertilize egg.