What is the effect of castrating guinea pigs?


I recently put my guinea pigs on eBay classifieds.

But actually I don't want to give them away, it was only because I couldn't sleep anymore because they (2 males) were making noise the whole time.

Does castration help to prevent such fights and quarrels?

What other effects does castration have?

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4 years ago

Well, it doesn’t have to. Generally, guys are neutered as it takes a large part of the hormones out. But they also need a lot of space (2 boys at least. 2x1m square on one level) and a guarantee that there is no Kastra. There is much more to the characters of both animals and how well they were socialized (whether they are up to date and how long they sat in adults animals to learn from them). In doubt, after the castration and the 6 weeks castration period, you will either have to leave one and get the remaining 2-3 girls for it or you will both, build a second 2x1m tall goat and then give two cascades in separate goats.

Boys’ attitude is not as easy as you might imagine. This is not the case with guinea pig farming (or generally livestock farming). You have to get in touch beforehand (and a zoo shop is never the right point of contact, just like more people donate the Unkastrierte boys under 1 year without educators)

4 years ago

Definitely cast.. And yes, they can be calmer and better tolerate. I don’t know

4 years ago


I would strongly advise you to auction your animals via ebay. You’re not a commodity!

Your guinea pigs simply need more space. Scramble help in most cases!

4 years ago
Reply to  Heart4Horse11

There are no animals accepted.

4 years ago
Reply to  TobiasderKek

Sorry, I didn’t know. What is the difference between auctioning and classifieds?

4 years ago
Reply to  Heart4Horse11

eBay classifieds is illegal animal trafficking and rams sales, there animals have nothing to look for. When they get to the shelter or to an emergency aid: http://www.notstation.de

4 years ago
Reply to  wutzwutz

Nope, that’s nothing but the classifieds in the newspaper.

4 years ago

Unfortunately, there’s nothing else.

4 years ago

The marketplace there is a legal online flee market. Animal trade is subject to authorisation and most persons acting there do so without official approval.

4 years ago

It makes most animals calmer, but it doesn’t have to. If they are not tolerated, they can be better sold. Can they have too little space? 1 Bock needs 1 square meter.

I had 2 unstructed gusts (at the shelter as castrated) and they were well tolerated.

4 years ago

2 unsupported gusts are not at all.-. Logically that comes to fight. Cast them and get them if necessary. Another female. guinea pigs only feel comfortable in larger groups, two are too little. It should be at least 3.

4 years ago
Reply to  neuhierundso

2 males and 1 females would be the worst constellation (other single keeping)

4 years ago

More females would of course be better, I wrote the guinea pig only feeling comfortable in large groups. At all 2 gusts alone was already a mistake and then still uncast

4 years ago
Reply to  neuhierundso

How do you get to that end? I’ve only been holding boys for over 12 years. Two guys and a girl go wrong. The boys don’t share their wives.

4 years ago
Reply to  wutzwutz

Hey I wrote the mejr female and a bigger group are attached. On the one hand, two unsupported basins are too little pigs and on the other hand it already leads to fights. War doof formulated:)

4 years ago

This is only partly correct. In male MS, only the number 3 should be urgently avoided, because one is always the third wheel on the car and is often carved.

4 years ago

2 guinea pigs do not matter whether male, female or mixed. Mot the place I agree

4 years ago

The reason is probably too little space. Probably the boys are in a cage. This isn’t going!

4 years ago

Let them cast