Meerschweinchen in Ruhe lassen?
Hey, also ich habe zwei junge Meerschweinchen Weibchen, welche momentan sehr aktiv sind und viel rumhüpfen und Raumrennen. Nach der Schule will ich mich natürlich auch ein wenig mit ihnen beschäftigen, hab aber oft das Gefühl dass beide eher in den Abendstunden aktiv sind und tagsüber mehr schlafen und zum Essen raus kommen. Meine Frage ist daher, ob man die Meerschweinchen lieber einfach in dem Moment in Ruhe für sich lassen sollte oder ob es in Ordnung ist , z.b sie zu streicheln ect
Leave them some time. Give him vegetables and try to caress them. But in the first place. They always have the opportunity to run away.
So first you should leave her alone when they’re new.
Then personally, I wouldn’t bother her sleeping or eating.
It also comes that guinea pigs are not so happy to be touched or even taken up. They’re observants. Interaction with people like the least. And if you take it out, and it stops, unfortunately, it’s not an argument that it’s fun – usually that’s scared. Even the quilting or this rabble, when you brush it, is more like a “Listen, I don’t like it! Let it be.”, as a sign of the favor.
But you can play with them a little bit or deal with them. Meeris are quite smart and can hold different colors and shapes apart. You could glue different cups/nozzles (preferably identical) with color points and/or with different shapes. And you’ll see if it’s found out that, for example, there’s only leaks in the blue triangle, it’s going to be looking for it very quickly. On another day, you change it.
Or you can also click with them. But I have no personal experience with this.
Both have arrived, but yes I know what you mean, they have already stroked a few times, but did not come out loud and have moved on normally, with the points is a cool idea:)