Guinea pig disease?

I've had experience with guinea pigs for several years, but I've never had this problem before. My guinea pig is 10 weeks pregnant, and I'm worried something's wrong with the babies. Also, a new guinea pig has brought home a new disease. I think it's fungal mites. She's losing her hair, has reddened skin, and has fungal spots. Is this disease fatal? I don't want to go to the doctor because that would just cause stress.

Please I need help, I care a lot about my guinea pigs.

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3 years ago

I am very much in my guinea pigs

You don’t remember. Sorry.

You must but to Veterinary with something. How else would that be better? You want to “discuss” the places, or how…?!

Whoever has animals is responsible! And the alleged “stress” that the guinea pig would have by it is a cinker glitter for stress caused by itching, burning, otherwise if you nix do! Even the load-bearing guinea pig you don’t want to see dead when something really goes wrong with the trench. You can’t judge that. There’s the veterinarian and he’s been studying for it. Your animals definitely need help from an expert.

I have some years of experience with guinea pigs

Apparently not enough or you learn slowly if you don’t want to be a veterinarian because of “stress” for the animals. I think I’m moving forward… ๐Ÿค


3 years ago
Reply to  emilm703m955

Well, you can keep telling me. Doesn’t help me believe it.

It’s funny that you up there

for a few years

writing and now suddenly it’s 10 years. ๐Ÿคจ

And No, you don’t care much about your animalsIf you don’t take her to the vet. And you can’t have any medicines without a veterinarian. Who told you? Who made the diagnosis? Who told you how much your guinea pig needs? All very dubios and more than questionable. Drug treatment belongs to a veterinarian (duration and frequency of treatment, as well as amount of medis). So so much you love your animals that su they use as a testelmonial..?! Great!

To do this, I wonder what medicine you give to an animal where you feel that something is wrong with the tenderness…?

Yeah, I know guinea pigs are escape animals. You don’t need to teach me! Nevertheless, such an animal belongs to the doctor! (Extremely like horses, goats, rabbits,… all escape animals. And yet everyone brings reasonable Hold his veterinarian when it’s sick!) You can’t talk. If an animal is sick, it is your duty to let the animal help. And since you seem to have not studied veterinary medicine, as your question proves, you have to introduce it to a veterinarian. And again: everyone with a bit of intelligence and empathy can tell you that the stress of the veterinarian visit is a shit against stopping diseases! Too bad that Your animals are the suffering/becoming before someone like you understand.

But if you find yourself so clever to stick around your animal, don’t ask in the forum for help! Everyone here tells you “Go to the vet” and you don’t. Either it’s not much for your intelligence and/or you’re too crisp and/or too stubborn. Anyway, you don’t do what you’re saying. Then you don’t need to ask for remote diagnostics. They don’t give you any.

3 years ago

Please go to the vet immediately.

LG and good improvement

3 years ago

No, I don’t think you’re much on the animals. Your sick animal must be a veterinarian, because a mushroom must be treated. He can also walk on you. You’re not particularly responsible for growing animals.