
Ich werde bald in NRW mein Abitur machen. Mein Abischnitt wird voraussichtlich ungefähr 1,5 sein. Dazu möchte ich noch den TMS machen. Denkt ihr das reicht um mehrere Universitäten zur Auswahl zu haben, oder sollte ich noch ein FSJ machen? Ich weiß halt nicht, ob es sich nicht mehr lohnt, sehr viel für den TMS zu lernen ohne nebenbei noch vollzeit arbeiten zu müssen, da ein FSJ ja an den meisten Unis nicht soo viel ausmacht. Aber was denkt ihr?

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1 year ago

A lot of success for your Abitur. I did it last year and I know the feeling. 🍀

So recommend the TMS and at the same time make a social year.

Of course, there’s a little burden in there, but you’ll be much more burdened in your studies. I’ve heard from a couple that medicine shouldn’t be easy. There’s everything from MINT.

A very untypical way would also be to complete a training for medical professionals or medical practitioners and to study afterwards.
The advantage is that you get money through training and already have professional experience.

1 year ago

In the last semesters, so many Abitutorians have applied with an abbreviation of 1.0, that not all with this top grade got a place of study in human medicine.

As an alternative, studies on the so-called agricultural doctorate rate would be possible > NC. After successful, completed studies in human medicine and obtaining the approval, the training follows the FA for general medicine or internal medicine. However, you have to commit to being a resident for 10 years. There are too little places to study about the country doctorate rate.

Alternatively, a study in Austria would be possible. In Austria, the study of human medicine NC is free, but the medAT is mandatory.

I would definitely write the TMS. However, it requires a very good preparation > medical – basic scientific understanding, memory and concentration ability, diagrams, hose figures etc.

Latin knowledge is not required. These are taught directly at the medical faculty, in the terminology courses/primary clinic.

I wish you a great success!

1 year ago


You think this is enough to have several universities to choose from

This depends entirely on how good your TMS results are – a moderate TMS does not bring too much.

I don’t know if it’s no longer worth learning a lot for the TMS without having to work full time.

An excessive preparation for the TMS No better results – with a timely start of preparation you can also make this relaxed by the way.

because an FSJ doesn’t make so much at most universities. But what do you think?

In terms of points, the FSJ is not the decisive criterion, as I agree with you.

But you should remember: it will also be as Rigid criterion valued (in all odds!), i.e. with point equality, the one who has completed an FSJ gets a higher place on the ranking list.

If you do it strategically wise, for example in care, you also save yourself the nursing internship.


I would advise in addition to the FSJ – both in terms of admission and practical experience.


1 year ago

You should definitely do the TMS to increase your chances.
But still it becomes difficult to get one of the hotly sought-after – but unfortunately scarce -Medizin courses.

At many universities the available medical study places are not even enough for all applicants with 1.0 abi.