Medizinischer Notfall?
Also bin 13 und hab seit 3 stunden Herzstolpern, Herzrasen seit 1,3 Stunden Halluzinstionen und Schwinswl mit Übelkeit und mein Vater sagt ihn juckts nicht und mschen kann ich primär auch nd. Kann mir jemand was ich machen soll weil ich auch komplett zitter
For all your other questions, you’re more hypochondically charged and you should look at that. It is also very easy to get into things that cause symptoms.
Heart stumbling (extrasystoles) are – to some extent – completely normal.
Tip: Mobile phone/PC/laptop and just get down. When I was 13 I would never have come to the idea to googlen my symptoms, let alone asking in any Laienforum about it, especially because of any woe. Go to the doctor, leave the fingers of GF when it comes to your health and finish.
Thank you. But after 2 hours every few seconds to get extrasystoles was nd. Mine is trying to improve me.
4 letters: A R T Z. Very simple. Let it go if it bothers you?
Call the doctor.
You’re a hypochond and maybe a little sick. Go to sleep.
I often exaggerate, however, that what I say is true, knows what to do honestly