Studying medicine?
dear people,
I'm 18 years old and have my Fachabitur (university entrance qualification) in the field of health and social services. I'm currently completing a shortened apprenticeship as a medical assistant (MFA). My goal is to study medicine and open my own practice as a doctor. It says online that you should work in the field for three years in addition to your apprenticeship. However, I have my Fachabitur (university entrance qualification) and actually want to study at a university after my apprenticeship. What should I do? I absolutely don't want to work as a medical assistant (MFA) for three years. Is there no other option? What should I do? (Aside from starting my studies in Hungary or abroad)
Meines Wissens nach brauchst du ein Vollabitur um Medizin studieren zu können.
Außer du gehst den weg mit der Ausbildung, dann sollte es ohne gehen.
Aber das Vollabitur hättest du schneller