Medikamente bei Lungenfibrose?
Ein Mann bekam mit 72 Lungenfibrose.
Es ging RELATIV “gut” mit dem (sehr teuren) Medikament: Pirfenidon
Das vertrug sein Koerper auch gut.
Jetzt soll er ein anderes (besseres?) Medikament nehmen: Ofev 150mg
Dss vertraegt aber sein Magen etc . nicht so gut.
Ist der Unterschied dieser 2 Medikamente denn so signifikant,
dass sich die “Nebenwirkungen” des 2. ten Medikasmentes lohnen?
For pirfenidone there was often a red hand letter, for doctors. The drug may have been changed because of this.
Thank you for the star!
My mother had strong lung fibrosis when she was 6 years old or something. It was a strong reaction to dust, but was initially neglected by her relatives, where she was visiting. She was simply brought to the fresh air where she was getting worse. At some point, someone came and saw that they were extremely stupid and their fingers were blue and swollen, and brought them to the hospital. It was very high time, thank God she came to the hospital. The doctors said that she had lung fibrosis and already attacked 70% of the lungs or died or whatever was. That means she had extreme problems breathing. Only 30% of the lungs were still intact. When her father (my grandpa) came and saw her, he almost fainted; she looked worse. After some time they wanted to go somewhere else to the hospital, but suddenly she suffered a “clinical death”; she actually meant that she flew on a light like a brick tunnel, but suddenly fell back and woke up. She came back to the hospital as soon as possible. They said she’d leave soon. Her desperate mother showed her, with the last shimmer, hope, a breathing exercise that she had to do all day, as often as possible, and prayed for her. Whether you believe it or not; soon after that she was better, she gradually recovered, the doctors were amazed. And even if they thought my mother could never have children, she has been able to thank God.
I know it sounds unbelievable, but actually this exercise was soon applied to another sick child, and this also survived whether the doctors believed it or not.
So if you want to try something else…
Дыхательная гимнастика по Стрельниковой .
(Video is in Russian, but you can just follow what the type shows)
Make as often as possible!
But not too much.
Hope it helps. MfG
For me, evidence-based medicine is relevant, otherwise I would have missed my profession!
A lung fibrosis must first be differentiated. They are treated with glucocorticoids or immunosuppressants.
In an idiopathic lung fibrosis, it is treated with nine damb or perfenidone.
In the advanced stage of the disease, oxygen is given over a nasal probe in the long term.
As an Ultima Ratio, a lung transplant is under discussion.
At least the new means is much cheaper.
How much?
More expensive.
Since Ofev costs about 3 times it will probably have a medical reason and not an economic one.
Only the attending doctors can answer the rest.