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McDonalds vs Burger King?
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Warum ist Burger King so günstig?
Also viel günstiger als Restaurant bei mir und es schmeckt super
I rarely go there, but I prefer McDonalds. 😉😁
Best regards
I like Mc Donalds also most of the listed things🤗🤗💋
Cooool 🤗🤗😘💖
Well, I rarely go to such fast food restaurants. Personally, however, I prefer Burger King, but I am more likely to be found in the MC Donalds, because most of them are on the way. Just go there for my people.
Meanwhile Burger King. McDonalds. But actually both are quite good
I would have fucked my mother for the chilli cheese burger from the BK
I will never understand surveys whose titles are between two products or companies, then have a third option and then have “more”…
Then ask for the favorite fast food place.
Personally, I like KFC and PizzaHut, but generally do not often go to such.
I prefer McDonalds and I never go to Burgerking or KFC.🤣
LG Maike😃
if only one of the two, then “Burger King”. If I eat something from there, it’s only been vegetarian for a few years and it tastes me.
Isn’t that good at “competition”
Holy Cow.
Costs about as much as Mcdonalds, but you get feeling a double portion and the burgers taste better around worlds.
Generally Burger King. I haven’t been there any longer. I just got too expensive. I’d rather make Burger myself. ;
Makeover is not only quite simple, but also better and cheaper. 😉
I rarely go there. If I go there, get to BurgerKing.
Doesn’t like any of them:D. At the top of a diner plate or something at the diner shop, but yes
The coffee is good.
That’s all I eat.
If fast restaurant then subWay or a good dönerpizza(=Lahmacun)
I know self-cooked food, the difference from food to McD would be too big to taste, no thanks
Yes, I understand…
More like that.
could eat 5 Long Chilly cheese
None of them.
Right restaurants.
No of them