MC Donalds und Döner?
Hallo Leute,
ich bin noch nicht fett aber kann ich es werden, wenn ich zu viel Döner und MC Donalds Burger esse ?
Also bei MC Donalds gehe ich 3 mal die Woche und einen Döner kaufe ich mir auch 3 mal die Woche.
Ich spiele aber auch regelmäßig Fußball 1 Stunde.
Kann ich denn fett werden ?
Ich bin männlich 15 Jahre alt und wiege 65 kg mit 1,95m.
You’ll get fat if you’re permanently in the calorie surplus. Whether you eat salad or live with MC is anger.
You should worry about other illnesses/damages than your weight.
With this weight at this size you can still eat the fresco properly, will not get fat the next years.
Jo. So if you’re giving yourself a 3 times nh Döner and meggi in the week, you can’t expect you to balance that with 1 hour of football. I don’t say that you should never eat again, who am I, but you should pay attention to your diet and therefore also to your body. So maybe 1 times meggi and rarer nh döner zb. when you go out with colleagues and you’re hungry. Idk
You can go to mc Donalds every day and don’t get fat. As long as you don’t eat too many calories. So if you are allowed to eat 1900 kcal or so every day to keep your weight, then there is no döner or no burger in there. The only question is whether this is so healthy. But if you don’t care about your health and it’s all about not getting fat then you can go to mc Donalds as often as you want. As long as you don’t eat more calories than your body needs.
Joa can get fat