Mc Donalds schließen?
Ich würde alle Mc Donalds Filialen auf der Welt schließen, da die nur ausschließlich Scheiße an die Leute verkaufen.
Und die essen die Scheiße selbstverständlich mit Genuss.
Wärt ihr dafür oder würdet ihr es bevorzugen weiterhin Abfallprodukte zu konsumieren ?
This is a sweet idea of a child or teenager
This is a big store chain the generality eats its products and the opinion of the individual so your interested does not
You must not forget that many people have a job through mcces and somewhere they buy their products also because there are jobs that would just fall away we would have a huge hole in our system
If you really want to change something like it is find a way to market at the same prices or cheaper similar products and all over the world
I am a very liberal person in this regard.
I strongly reject guardianship on the subject.
From me, people can take unhealthy food and drugs as they want. According to Darwin, this is regulated by itself.
Well, not just shit like you write, but the quality is quite close. When I enter (invitations…🤬🤬🤬🤬) under compulsion.muss, then I regularly have “no appetite and stomach problems” and limit myself to a cola from courtesy.
Well, if that were so easy
I think that’s okay
But you have to pay more attention to the concept
rubber ball
I don’t think you should get involved. I don’t think much of guardianship when it comes to adult people.
As an adult, I’m responsible for what I’m doing to myself. You don’t care.
Beef, bread, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, onions… I’m sure you can continue to eat it. If you find that shit, you can eat something else. auf-film-von-ron-boese-102.html
Are you sure this is only beef, bread, cheese, tomatoes, salad and onions?
I’ll go to McDonalds every couple of weeks. Don’t worry.
McDonalds is now pop culture. I’d rather encourage her to produce her stuff healthier.
Son of a bitch
In your case, it seems.
Good idea
Well, actually, it’s all poisoned, and fast food is totally unnecessary at McDonald’s, but you’re the most hated person in the world.
You’ve got my approval, self-made tastes better.
Let people whisper – all always scream for good food!
However, what you do not want to interest the Group.