MBTI für Charakterbögen?
Ich habe schon öfter Menschen gesehen, die das Big 5 Persönlichkeitsprofil in ihre Charakterbögen einbetten.
Mir sind diese Zahlen für die Dimensionen zu abstrakt. Was ist ne 2 oder ne 3 bei Neurotizismus usw.?
Obwohl nicht wissenschaftlich, aber anschaulich, dachte ich eher die MBTI Typen zu verwenden. Die werden finde ich erzählungstauglicher beschrieben und 16 finde ich variabel genug.
Die Idee ist sozusagen, sich in den Charakter hereinzuversetzen, den Test zu machen, die Zuordnung zu haben und dann hat man interessante Ideen zum Charakter.
Wie findet ihr die Idee grundsätzlich, die Persönlichkeit von Romanfiguren zu tabellarisieren mit Persönlichkeitsdimensionen? Wie charakterisiert ihr die Persönlichkeit eurer Figuren?
The MBTI is, as you have already stated, nonscientific nonsense. Even if you put yourself in a character and make the test, you will receive a different result each time, as a minimal deviation already leads to an assignment to another type. The MBTI is no longer meaningful or less than a horoscope from the daily newspaper.
The “Big-5-Personality Test” (actually OCEAN model of personality) does not assign you prefabricated categories, but gives you an individual result, which is almost unchanged if you do the test again.
In the OCEAN model, each property is assigned a value between 0 (not even pronounced) and 40 (strongly pronounced). (see Goldberg, 1993) The result of the evaluation can be represented, for example, in a network diagram, so that the individual portions of the personality and their respective expression become visible.
In the OCEAN model, the five main categories are queried into which all verbs of the English language, which we can use to describe a person’s personality, can be classified. These are specific:
If the term neurotizism is unclear to you, this aspect describes how someone perceives negative emotions. Emotions such as grief, anxiety, tension, uncertainty, etc. act significantly stronger on a person who has a high neurotizism value than on someone who has a comparatively low value.
Openly stood… good for a rough orientation, but if you don’t try to forcefully push his character onto something unnecessary. Because at the moment you make this test and give you the answers from the point of view of your character, you already know so much about the character that the test result can no longer tell you.
It is just a point at this MBTI test (which I did at least once) that you should answer the questions spontaneously, I mean. Ultimately, you would always point your character in a direction he already has.
And that’s good… but usually you shape a character from rough to fine and not vice versa. That means you’re saying ‘okay, I want X’ and then you’re shaping it yourself more diligently, more socially or rather sickly ambitious.
Then you take these properties, put them in this questionnaire as good as it is and at the end comes out ‘the XY type is rather diligent/social/ ambitious’ (if you’re lucky… I find such things generally quite general) plus possibly a few ‘general insights’.
But in the end, this should be nothing new, because you have already built all this.
In this sense… if someone wants to chase his character at the end of the creation about this offer, to be able to assign a ‘personality type’ to the Stackbrief then he should like to do so. As a reader, I take care of it as much as the name of the character has any meaning. I’m not suggesting this, I’m not really interested.
How to characterize my figure? By giving her a character, consisting of qualities, preferences, dislikes, some of which are ‘simply’ there, partly but also a development on experienced, which is then again part of the history of the individual character.
In other words… I’m creating a round and well-designed character and trying to carry out what I’ve created in the text to the outside by asking myself how he would act in this situation and then let him act like that.
Of course, all aspects of these personality tests play a role somewhere. But, as I said, this will be answered for me before I actually do the test.