Maximale disney plus mitschauer?
Hey ich weiß dass man 7 Profile erstellen kann und nur 4 gleichzeitig schauen können. Aber zählen diese 7 Profile auch als Anmeldung also ist das das gleiche wie wenn ich nur ein Profil habe und den alleine nutze aber ich mich mit 8 verschiedenen Geräten einloggen will. Geht das?
Ps frohes neues und wünsche eich nur das beste und Gesundheit:)
Yes, profiles don’t matter how many devices I don’t know.
Up to 4 streams simultaneously 👍
Thank you! You understood and answered my question. Thank you very much. A nice weekend to you and all the best:)
Downloads on up to 10 devices!
Beautiful WE
It is clear how many devices can be streamed at the same time! 4 remains 4 there is nothing to shake
You misunderstood my question
What do you know about 4 devices that can’t stream at the same time?
Not 7 x 4, but only 1 x 4.
You could also have 100 profiles. Therefore, only 4 devices can stream simultaneously.
Profile ≠ Device
I don’t understand why you’re so unfriendly. It was a normal question and you misunderstood it. I’m aware that I can stream only 4 at the same time, but it was about registering number so if I could connect all my devices and then can stream alternately on them.
Mfg and beautiful weekend
Then you should learn to express yourself unequivocally. I guess I’m not the only one who didn’t understand what you want.
Could I tell you now, but since you’ve already given the star, there’s no more reason for me to write anything “helpless.”
You’re also a nice weekend.