Get rid of mice in a bird cage?
Are there effective methods to get rid of them? So that my birds are not harmed or frightened.
Hey, I have a question: My baby rabbit is limping and its paw is completely crooked. I'm thinking about taking it to the vet, but it shouldn't be too expensive. Does anyone know how much an x-ray or the check-up itself costs? LG
Hello, I've had a 10-week-old hamster at home for two days now, and he's chewing at the bars in my cage. My enclosure is 100 cm long, 50 cm wide on the sides, and 60 cm high. I've raked two boards into this cage and there are long ladders leading up to these boards. My…
I want to build a new enclosure, but they all nibble on the wood until half of it is gone
Hi, so we have 2 female rabbits and wanted to get two more We've discovered some, but they're two males. Would it be okay if we simply didn't neuter the bucks (male rabbits) (because we want to have babies eventually) and kept them separate instead? So the females live together in one hutch and the…
Hi, feel free to give me suggestions for improvement, but it's best to stick with the Corsair brand. Thanks! Keyboard: Corsair K70 RGB TKL Optical-Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Black, CH-911901A-DE: Games Mouse: Corsair M65 Elite RGB FPS Gaming Mouse Black: Games Headset: Corsair HS80 RGB WIRELESS Premium Gaming Headset with Dolby Atmos Audio Carbon:…
Why don't people understand this? It bothers me a lot that they show cruel breeding practices.
Close all holes from your cage! Double wire on the outside, with tight stitches! Is it a cage or an outboard?
Do the mice live in your apartment?
Rats and mice represent a great danger to birds, they can kill the small birds quickly.