Maus Springt beim Scrollen immer nach oben?
Habe eine neue Logitech M720 Maus im Einsatz. Beim Scrollen nach unten hüpft die Seite jedoch immer wieder ein Stück nach oben und bleibt nie wirklich auf der Position wo ich eigentlich haben will. Ist echt ziemlich nervig. Gibts da irgendeine Abhilfe?
I have also, the mouse wheel has been moved.
Unfortunately, this is hardly possible for mice under 45€. Therefore: buy new ones.
Needless you can try to press or lift the mouse wheel something that the distance from mouse wheel to sensor is no longer correct. But, as mentioned, it is almost impossible to solve this.
Is this a common problem with the model? Got another M310 running without any problems. Then you can enjoy the higher-class version and get a garbage like this… can’t be
Not in the model in general anything that is rather cheap built. Especially those are very susceptible.
Can happen with any mouse.
That’s not true, with the M720 there is the hyper scroll function, the button behind the mouse wheel activates/ disables this function. The mouse then scrolls again normal and makes the typical roll noise.
It doesn’t have to be broken. That’s why “prone.”
Has or has the same problem.
Hab ne 5 Euro No Name China Mouse, where even after years the scroll wheel runs without problems … hmmm