Maus gelähmt. Was kann ich für ihn tun und kann das wieder heilen?
Hallo ich habe seid einiger Zeit wilde hausmäuse bei mir in der Wohnung. Ich habe daher angefangen sie mit einer lebendfalle einzufangen. Ich konnte 3 Mäuse so wie es sein soll mit dieser Falle gesund und munter einfangen,doch jetzt bei der vierten war er in der Tür der Fälle eingeklemmt und zieht jetzt die Hinterbeine hinterher. Jetzt nach ein paar Stunden hat er seine Füße wieder etwas bewegt kann aber immer noch nicht sitzen und normal laufen.
Was kann ich für ihn tun?
Ich Weiss dass es ein Unfall war und dass sowas mit lebendfallen nicht passieren sollte fühle mich aber iwie schuldig am Leid dieser kleinen Maus.
You can wait, go to the vet or redeem it yourself. But the latter is such a thing. You should be able to do that so that it’s really over.
I also have more often birds, hedgehogs and different mouse types in care and re-pick them. After that they are allowed to return to freedom. Once there was a forest mouse, which could no longer move her hind legs. After 10 days of rest and care, she could run again 😊. But that was more lucky. Your mouse will probably be paralyzed. Sometimes you can’t do anything anymore, except to redeem the animal. But if you care so much, ask a vet first.
Thank you for your answer, there are, fortunately, normal people who also provide a useful answer. I will not expose the mice in the spring anyway, because in winter the chance of survival is rather low if they have no hiding. I’ll definitely get him food that he can eat without putting himself down, something like a pussy, he had taken it well. And I’ll ask my TA for advice. Maybe he’s lucky too. Let’s have another question. Can he live happily with paralysis?
That’s the question. Is it really a final paralysis or just a little temporary. That’s why a vet should really look at it. Maybe it’s not that bad, because the living traps are actually not designed to hurt the animals.
With my mouse back then, I didn’t know why. First she was lying around, then she crawled around and suddenly ran and climbed her back as if nothing had been.
So I’d say if she’s obviously good enough to really wait again.
A really happy mice won’t be the little thing with a paralysis, because it’s damned to stay in captivity forever. She wouldn’t have a chance outside. Whether this is an optimal solution, I don’t really know. Animals who know freedom also want to return.
I can only say, just try.
Otherwise, he looks quite munter and happy. It doesn’t seem to hurt him.