Mauke von alleine weg?
Hallo hallo, meine Stute steht im Offenstall der extrem matschig war(zur Zeit zum Glück nicht mehr da es lange nicht geregnet hat) und ich habe sie seit ca 3halb Monate. Bei der aku wurde eine Kruste am Bein festgestellt und eine aus meinem Stall meinte letztens zu mir, dass es eventuell Mauke sein könnte aber sich schon eine Kruste gebildet hat(wahrscheinlich von alleine da ich es vorher nicht wusste und abwarten sollte ob es von alleine weggeht) ich weiß auch was man bei Mauke tun soll sprich, wie man es behandelt. Nun jetzt meine Frage: muss ich es jetzt weiter behandeln oder geht die von alleine weg?
Eine andere frage wäre: Wenn sie Pilz hat ich aber nicht jeden Tag hin kann um dies zu behandeln, was kann ich dann tun? Die Leute dort fragen ob sie es übernehmen würden würde ich ungern, da ich die noch nicht wirklich kenne.
first, the veterinarian should first diagnose whether it is mauke or a fungal attack.
If it’s Mauke, there’s more to it. Mauke is rather a symptom and a sign of a weakened organism and has nothing to do with muddy soil. Therefore, you should always have a blood picture.
How this is handled with the medicines you need to discuss with your vet. There are medis that you just have to apply every few days. However, if there are also those who have to be administered daily and in such cases you have to either go to the stable every day, send a friend by or ask other adjusters who can also come into such situations and also have a certain understanding.
A fungal attack, on the other hand, can occur more often. Can also speak for a weakened immune system, but does not have to. Can also come through the stress of the change of the stables.
Best regards
She came to me with weakened immune system. I wanted to make her fit again, because I can’t see anything like that.
If you know so little about diseases on the horse, you have to let a veterinarian come every time you’ve learned to cope with the more common stuff yourself.
A mauke is always a metabolic disorder and does not come through external influences (wet, dirt, faeces).
For a horse that does not just show huge symptomy, here is probably the gift of a good mineral food and additionally zinc (organic).
Otherwise, you should deal with feeding and posture, because mistakes in these things lead to such system diseases.
I bought them that way. And at the acupuncture, the veterinarian did not notice this (although not our veterinarian) and she has a weakened immune system. Long story, however, she was also aggravated and so on.
If what you write is true, a mauke is not a surprise.
Good food, especially abundantly good hay, some oats, beer yeast, EM or live yeast cultures, e.g. yogurt culturers, mifu and zinc additive, then it should recover as well as the grass again quite quickly.
Vitamin D also helps immensely, you get expensive than tablets from the pharmacy or cheaper and better in the form of liver tran (not fish oil) in any animal feed trade.
Mauke is highly complex to treat and certainly does not leave alone. In some breeds ( Schleswiger, Tinker), there may even be serious problems. With a warm-blooded man you have good chances of healing. But only if your horse is 100% dry. As it soon turns out: get out of the open pit, get in the box until May and do exactly as the vet says
Please don’t put a horse in the box!
Apart from the fact that it is not a proper attitude, the horse is more harmed than it seems to have. Mauke has nothing to do with mushy background, but speaks for a weakened immune system and is usually also only symptom of other diseases and symptoms of deficiency.
We also have no boxes 🙂
Before you don’t really know what it is, let the TA look over it for security. Is there no stable besi with you, which can carry out medication, etc. if necessary?
If you can’t come daily, but a daily treatment is necessary, you won’t be able to ask for help. Payment.
There are enough (open) floors that are clean, dry, well maintained and equitable for horses. You don’t have to put your horse in a mud hole and sorry if you can afford only the latter, then you should consider whether your own horse is meaningful/financed at all.
Of course you don’t want to sign here, but in your place I’d look around something else.
The stable has never been as stubborn as this year, but there is also only this sensible one here nearby. I’m afraid someone else isn’t in question. Of course, I would have the money for a better one, even if I was only 16.
If it is Mauke, then it is a symptom of a non-round metabolism. It has nothing to do with the ground on which the horse lives, but with feeding. Since the elimination of a metabolic problem always takes a time, in the meantime one can treat the wounds occurring as a symptom. Just like treating any other wound.
I would not keep a horse in a muddy run, even if it has nothing to do with Mauke, because on the one hand the hoof growth is driven extremely back, the hooves always form out for the floor on which they are used, i.e. horses that live only softly, e.g. in the box and on the meadow or on soft ground in the open pit, form soft horn and will simply need hoof Horses living on hard soils (fixed runs), form hard, fast-growing horn, because always grows as much as rubbed. What the hoofman does is the “justation” of the hoove, but the amount controls in a well-managed hoof of use.
On the other hand, the complete musculoskeletal system is designed for solid soils, i.e. the wear and tear conditions and the injuries of the musculoskeletal system are more probable for horses kept on soft soils.
Therefore, my horses live in a herd, which has only fixed soils available and can then be on the meadow if they would not directly hull them, even if the soils are dry.
I bought them that way. And at the acupuncture, the veterinarian did not notice this (but was not our veterinarian) and she has a weakened immune system. Long story, however, she had also been marred, etc. arrived at me.
Mauke can actually slow down when dry.
You can still support it inside with good MiFu and sunflower seeds with bowl.
Mushroom is diagnosed? You got lotion from the TA? Then, if necessary, please the stall operator to treat your horse, of course you have to pay for it, or rather come on a daily basis – DAS belongs to the life of every horse owner!
What has a dry posture or moist posture to do with a mauke?
Treating Mauke is very extensive, but can calm you down: it has nix to do that just the frost comes out of the soil and the one or the other coupling once a bit mates. This is quite normal and should be relentless soon.
In principle, Mauke is a symptom that something is wrong with the defense and immune system. The problem is therefore deeper and must be treated.
Feeding: Does your horse ward muesli, additional food (heu or silage) and additional mineral food? Zinc supply? What do you feed and how much hay does she have?
Accommodation: open-plan, paddock or box-keeping with/without pasture?
If your horse had a fungus (or even specifically mauke), it has to clear the TA before something is made good luck. Mauke is mostly obvious, a fungus is often diagnosed with a UV lamp.
If you cannot go to the horse on a daily or daily basis, the farm/stack operator can take this off, this is at least with us. I always let the TA explain what time must be done and take over these tasks when the owner does not spend time.
It’s not on muddy couplings or on the slope of the horses. Friesen, tinkers, cold blossoms, etc. will always like to be “adjusted”, susceptible to this. This is definitely not true, because it is 90% of the animal’s feeding, posture and defense system.
She gets 1x daily Müsli and 24h heu. And it’s in an open house.
I bought them that way. And at the acupuncture, the veterinarian did not notice this (but was not our veterinarian) and she has a weakened immune system. Long story, however, she has also got off-married etc.