Mathematik Geometrie Textaufgabe HTL?

Hallo diese beiden Aufgaben kann ich seit Stunden nicht lösen. Bei 21 habe ich a schon geschafft aber der Durchmesser des Ballons kommt bei mir nicht raus. Und bei 22 bin ich komplett verloren. Danke schonmal!

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11 months ago


Make a sketch! Without a sketch, you cannot solve such tasks.

High angle known? Deep angle known?

The tangents and equation systems must be known to be able to solve the task.

s = distance between the two buildings

y = height of the window from the floor (bottom horizontal)

x = distance from horizontal in window height to lower edge poster

(1) (8,5 + x) / s = tan(21,4°)

(2) x / s = tan(14,7°)

s = 65,6137…

x = 17,2135…

y = s * tan(31,2°)

y = 39,737.

11 months ago
Reply to  vikisumsibiene

14,7° the height angle, starting from the horizontal at window height, is up to the lower edge of the poster. The vertical distance from the horizontal to the lower edge poster is x. The associated triangle is at right angles with the cats s and x and the right angle between s and x. The tangent can therefore be used.