Mathematik beim Programmieren?
Moin. Ich starte ab Anfang Dezember eine Umschulung zum Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung. Vom Bildungsträger aus gibt es einen 2-monatigen Vorbereitungskurs den ich einfach mal mitnehme, weil ich dachte es könnte ja nicht schaden. Jetzt haben wir seit kurzem so Themen wie Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Baumdiagramme, Kombinatorik, Binomialkoeffizient, Fakultät und lauter solche Sachen. Ohne Umschweife: Braucht man sowas als Softwareentwickler?
Ich meine, klar brauche ich Wahrheitstabellen und Logikgatter um ein grundsätzliches Verständnis für Operatoren, Funktionen und Variablen zu entwickeln. Aber Stochastik?
Noch eine zusätzliche Frage: Wie relevant ist das ganze wenn ich in Richtung Ethical Hacking/Penetration Testing gehen will?
Bzw. Was ist relevant wenn ich in diese Richtung will? Momentan setze ich mich mit den Basics der Netzwerktechnik auseinander, außerdem mit Linux und Python.
Bin für jede Hilfe und Empfehlung dankbar!
The math topics you mentioned are absolute basics and finally come to the gymnasium. If you need everything in detail, of course, nobody can tell you. But no one knows what software you may develop and what application area it is needed for. In any case, it won’t be harmed if you learn the things reasonably.
For your “ethical hacking”:
Enables you to perform your intrusion success chances for various procedures. This does not necessarily have to be highly mathematical, but for example, the strength of different passwords is also calculated (how likely is it that exactly this password will be guessed? keyword n from m) as the average running time of corresponding decrypt programs. Or how do you want to estimate the suitability of different rainbow tables for your project, depending on which platforms are available to you and who/or what the goal is if you don’t have a pale tendency to calculate probabilities?
Allow a structured procedure. Otherwise, you do it like any stupid script kiddie and stumble blindly through the Kali programs, have no rush, what you do and (a lot more important) what you have already tried. If you have learnt to describe processes or quantities in a structured manner, you can also proceed in a structured and targeted manner. In practice, I have often experienced QA and testers who had no idea of tree diagrams that they have built up their tests twice and three times, which was completely unnecessary. For your purposes, you can replace “Test” with “Hack Try”. Then you know what you can use the charts for.
The Of a kind used The basis of the brute forcen and you’re asking seriousness what you need? I guess that with your logical and technical skills, it’s not quite a long time ago…
I haven’t used them too often in my work.
keyword recursive programming. The faculty calculation is the parade example and recursive algorithms you can use again and again and be it only that you either place the stack – or not.
P.S.: You can save yourself, for that your tone is too pampy in the other comments.
Pampig is a thing of sensation. I’m a friend of clear statements, not of quotes, wise sayings and evasions. That’s all.
It’s not about being a math crack to be computer scientists. It is more about mastering the way of logical thinking – or at least understanding and applying – on which mathematics is based… because exactly this kind of thinking is exactly what computer science works. And especially in Pentesting, Ethical Hacking, etc., it is primarily about analyzing complex systems and finding and exploiting vulnerabilities or errors. The concept behind these functions, algorithms & Co. is almost always mathematical or at least based on mathematical structures. In this respect, you do not have to be able to calculate the x-th derivation of Haumichtot in the head, but the basic concept and thus mindset behind a system should be understood so that you have a chance to postulate an attack vector at system level.
DANK! A simple, clear statement that contains all the information I asked about!
If you want to program a web application with JavaScript, you probably need less math. But if you start programming an application to analyze any data, math can quickly occur. And if you want to go towards IT security, there are also really complicated maths. Encryption and so.
This depends on which software you develop.
Although software development is only one of my side jobs, I actually needed an amazingly large part of school mathematics in just under 30 years.
Stochastics was also there.
Computer comes from computare, which means recruiting.
Computer science originated as a subdiscipline from mathematics.
To this extent, whoever wants to teach a machine to recruit should master it himself.
This does not even answer my questions, but thanks for the trip to the dead language.
Those who do not know the basics of his craft and do not value it will fail in IT. I can promise so much.
For a decade, the age of “big data” has broken down and yes: the larger the data volumes, the more relevant statistical methods become.
Currently, “Machine Learning” is a great hype – this also requires mathematics.
Even in the training of specialist informatics, the specialisation in data and process analysis has arrived. And this always takes a few years until a trend is manifested as a training job.
What brings the future, maybe quantum computing? Even more stochastic than it can hardly be.
The question was how to get my answers.
A scholar would now quote some professor. A lawyer refers to a legal text. I have my experience.
Sometimes I think that on this platform, questioners are on the go, who want to only approve and hear an expected answer.
They are not willing to look beyond their rims, into a great world where others might have already gained experience.
A binomial coefficient or a faculty are an easy warm-up exercise for a programmer. The question is as if a swimmer asks why he should make knee bends at the edge of the pool as a warm-up exercise, even though he does not need it in the competition, because he is in the water.
Yeah, if he fails, maybe he shouldn’t jump into the pool first. Could become dangerous – and not even sharks have to be in the basin.
Sorry, but you could have just said yes or no from the beginning. But in fact, you still haven’t understood the question. I did not ask if mathematics is generally important, the question was explicitly stochastic… But that doesn’t matter.
For your ego it was incredibly important to emphasize how many years you have experience, or..?
35 years of IT experience, of which 25 years professional – also as a developer.
I can take the answer briefly and concisely: Yes, mathematics is important!
And again you managed to get out a nine times wise sentence without answering one of my questions, congratulations… People like you shouldn’t be allowed to answer any questions here, that’s nonsens…