Mathe Vektoren?

Heyyy, ich bin Lisa und mache gerade mein Abi. Ich verstehe in Mathe aber aktuell gar nichts und müsste die folgenden Aufgaben einmal vorgerechnet bekommen

Kann mir bitte jemand das AB ausrechnen. Ich habe keine Ahnung davon. Wenn ich die Rechenschritte sehe kann ich mir das aber immer herleiten

Danke im Voraus <33

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3 months ago

I’m sorry.

AB = B – A = (6/3/1) – (1/0/0) = (5/3/1)

Center M:
M = A + 0.5 AB = (1/0/0) + 0.5 (5/3/1) = (3,5/1,5/0.5)

However, one could also take the means of the individual components directly.

3 months ago

it makes sense to look for someone from your school.

If someone were fit in mathe, it’ll take those hours to write everything out.

The worst thing is that nobody helps you in the Abitur. It’s better you’re jamming your brains behind it and you’re taking time.

3 months ago

First determine the straight line running through AB. Make it clear in the two-dimensional that the vector B-A is a possible direction vector of this straight line. Which point can you take as a point of departure? If you have then used B-A as a direction vector, it is only missing that you set in the straight line equation g(t)=a+t*r with point a and direction vector rt=1/2.